• Ladies Home Journal is celebrating being relevant for the first time in, well, ever — thanks to an interview they did with Lisa "Astronut" Nowak last September. [LHJ via FishbowlNY]
  • The sale of theDaily News hq to Broadway Partners — a "rival" of Mort Zuckerman's Boston Properties — means that Zuckerman will probs start finding rent checks as painful to write as the rest of us do. [NYO]
  • New Amazon/TiVo partnership brings us one step closer to never having to leave our couches ever again. [NYT]
  • Walmart also gets in the digital download game. [WaPo]
  • More on Diller, Murdoch, and the interweb. [BusinessWeek]
  • A judge in the Michael J. Devlin case won't gag the Post, dash it all. [St. Louis Today]