
Brian Williams Talks Nepotism and His Kids with David Letterman

Matt Toder · 05/15/12 11:57PM

On tonight's Late Show with David Letterman, NBC news honcho and Gawker correspondent Brian Williams chatter with David Letterman on a variety of subjects, one of which was his kids. When Letterman suggested that Williams might hire his son, as aspiring sports journalist, Williams joked about that being nepotism. Hey Brian, using your celebrity to connect your daughter to Girls producer Judd Apatow is nepotism too.

Keith Olbermann Launches Some Salvos at Current TV on David Letterman's Show

Matt Toder · 04/03/12 11:30PM

On tonight's Late Show with David Letterman, Keith Olbermann attempted to explain what exactly went wrong for him at Current TV. He did so with an analogy about a $10 million chandelier being installed in an unworthy building. It's pretty easy to guess who's who in the analogy.

Matt Lauer Breaks Into the Late Show Theater

Matt Cherette · 07/20/11 01:30AM

In the last 10 days alone, two different men have been arrested for vandalizing the entrance to the Ed Sullivan Theater, where the Late Show with David Letterman is taped. Scary! But at least Letterman is taking it all in stride, as you'll see in this clip from tonight's program, which features Today Show anchor Matt Lauer attempting his own theater break-in with a metal trash can.

Watch David Letterman Annoy Julia Roberts on the Late Show

Matt Cherette · 07/01/11 04:57AM

Two days after co-star Tom Hanks appeared on the same program, Julia Roberts visited the Late Show last night to chat with David Letterman and promote Larry Crowne. As it turned out, there wasn't much movie-related discussion. But there was a whole bit that involved Letterman peppering Roberts with annoying questions about her kids! He also flipped off the audience. The video, above.

Justin Bieber's Awkward Appearance on the Late Show

Matt Cherette · 06/22/11 11:39PM

Justin Bieber may never be overthrown as America's No. 1 teen idol, but that doesn't mean the singer isn't still capable of making cringeworthy television appearances. Take, for instance, Bieber's cameo on tonight's Late Show, during which he indifferently presented the "Top 10 Little-Known Facts About Justin Bieber" for an even more indifferent David Letterman.

Keith Olbermann Gives 10 Reasons to Watch the New Countdown

Matt Cherette · 06/22/11 12:07AM

Last night, Keith Olbermann reincarnated Countdown on Current TV and it was pretty much the same exact show he had on MSNBC before the network gave him the boot. To call it "new" is a bit of a stretch, but Olbermann stopped by tonight's Late Show with David Letterman to promote the program and read off tonight's Top 10 list, "Reasons to Watch the New Countdown with Keith Olbermann." Video of the segment is above.

Watch Alec Baldwin Crash David Letterman's Audience

Matt Cherette · 03/16/11 11:11PM

Steve Martin isn't the only big star on David Letterman's Late Show this evening—Alec Baldwin's in the audience! Or was in the audience, that is. You see, once Baldwin found out Martin was on, too, he split.

Watch the Spider-Man Cast's Weird Late Show Performance

Matt Cherette · 03/02/11 12:56AM

Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark, the forever-delayed, utterly doomed musical from Julie Taymor, Bono and the Edge, is still in previews. But that doesn't mean that the cast can't perform a weirdly tame song on David Letterman's Late Show!