
Former New Orleans Mayor Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison

Jason Parham · 07/09/14 11:42AM

Ray Nagin, the former Democratic Mayor of New Orleans, was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison Wednesday for corruption. In February, Nagin was found guilty on 20 counts of bribery and fraud, which included money laundering, conspiracy, tax evasion, and wire fraud. He initially faced 20 years in prison.

America Is Ready to Waste So Much Money on Border Security

Hamilton Nolan · 03/20/14 06:56PM

The U.S. Customs department spends several hundred million dollars on border security for our 2,000-mile border with Mexico. Congress may soon increase that amount by many billions of dollars. One thing we know for sure: we are gonna waste the hell out of that money.

​Mississippi Will Support Morality by Denying Prisoners Marital Sex

Tom Scocca · 01/13/14 06:05PM

For more than a century, the state of Mississippi has allowed the inmates of its prison system to behave as if they are human beings capable of familial relationships, providing well-behaved prisoners the chance to briefly spend time alone with their spouses. On February 1, falling in line with prevailing trends in American justice, the state will stop allowing the visits.

America's Long National Nightmare of Guys Stealing Cardboard From Behind Wal-Mart Is Over

Hamilton Nolan · 07/25/12 10:10AM

Ever since the collapse of the global economy due to massive, reckless, multi-trillion-dollar "me-first" gambling on an institutional scale, Americans have been clamoring for prosecution of the powerful people whose greed caused this whole mess. And finally, we're getting it: law enforcement has, at long last, arrested the guys who take old cardboard boxes from out back of Wal-Mart.

Let's Ban 'Gang Members' From Public Property, Say White Guys

Hamilton Nolan · 08/17/11 09:21AM

Hey, why didn't anyone ever think of this before? Instead of just allowing gang members to go places and do things, tell them they can't go places and do things. Places are only for good people! Gang problem= solved!

Texas Teachers Are Basically Prison Wardens

Hamilton Nolan · 06/13/11 04:44PM

Sure, bleeding heart PC types killed a bill earlier this year that would have allowed guns on college campuses in Texas. Consolation prize: Texas is "close to enacting" a new bill that will give school teachers detailed criminal histories of all their students. Because you never know when the next six-year-old will shoot up the school, or which kid's birthday party is actually cover for a cockfighting ring. Down in Texas, the legislators are armed, the merest whiff of lawbreaking gets you jailed, and prisoners get put down like dogs. You never know when one of these public school kids might get brainwashed by a Muslim textbook and start some serious jee-had. If our teachers can't have guns, well, at least we can "arm" them with the precise knowledge of just how evil these felons-to-be lurking in their classroom are. And also, maybe arm them with a knife?

Law & Order: SVU and Real Life Sexual Victims Unit Both in Trouble

Brian Moylan · 05/25/11 02:25PM

First Law & Order got the axe, but now actors are defecting from L&O: SVU and it looks like the real life sexual victims unit, which counsels rape victims and collects evidence of sexual assault at the city's 11 hospitals, might get canceled as well.

Who Killed 'Law & Order'?

Adrian Chen · 05/13/10 09:14PM

After 20 seasons on the air, Law & Order may be dead. Who's responsible for killing the program? Let's do an investigation, like on the show!

10-Year-Old 'Problem Child' Tasered by Police

Jeff Neumann · 04/01/10 06:02AM

Two Indiana cops have been suspended after they were accused of slapping and using a Taser on an "out of control" 10-year-old boy at Tender Teddies Day Care in Martinsville. The repeat offender "wouldn't quit" kicking and screaming. [6News, via]