
The Case of the Christian Astronomer

Hamilton Nolan · 01/19/11 12:12PM

Martin Gaskell is an astronomer who studies quasars. He's also a Christian who questions evolution. The University of Kentucky decided not to hire him at least partly because of his religious views. Now Gaskell's won a settlement over it. Good.

Student Sues College for Having Her Committed Over Hidden Cam

John Cook · 01/13/11 04:42PM

Chinemerem Eze, a Nigerian national attending Brooklyn College, believed that her landlord had hidden a camera in her apartment. When she asked school officials for help, they shipped her off to a psychiatric ward. Then she found the camera.

Sexy Alleged Lesbian Teacher Files Sexy Wrongful Termination Suit

Max Read · 01/12/11 02:13AM

Did allegedly sexy schoolteachers Alini Brito and Cindy Mauro have lesbian sex in a non-lesbian classroom? According to your brain, the New York Post, and a Facebook group, yes! But according to Brito, who's filing a wrongful termination lawsuit... no.

Anti-Smoking Pictures Are Too Much Says Judge

Richard Lawson · 12/30/10 10:44AM

A federal judge has ruled that New York's gruesome anti-smoking ads — featuring rotted teeth and organs — can't be forced into stores, siding with three tobacco companies who filed a lawsuit against the NY Board of Health. Smoke away!

Woman Sues Google for Street View Pics of Her Underwear

Adrian Chen · 12/18/10 03:48PM

In the annals of weird things captured by Google Street View, some random Japanese woman's underwear drying on a line would not rank high. But she's suing Google after she was shocked to discover her unmentionables were on the Internet.