While New York City college student Hubert Blackman was vacationing in Las Vegas he hired a stripper to come to his room. She gave him a lap dance and performed a sex act on him (illegally). Now he's suing.

Here's what Blackman claims happened: He paid the stripper for $155 and got a "sex act" for $120 more. But the day after his encounter, Blackman called up the agency he ordered her from, Las Vegas Exclusive Personals, and demanded his money back because she didn't stay the entire 1 1/2 hours they agreed on. When the agency refused to refund his money, Blackman called the police and told them the whole story.

Except, whoops: prostitution is illegal in Las Vegas! The police informed Blackman of this, and added that he could be arrested. This scared Blackman so much that now he thinks the agency owes him $1.8 million... for allowing him to pay for sex when he was drunk.

From the Las Vegas Sun:

after returning home he filed suit in federal court in New York, charging "An escort did an illegal sexual act on me during her paid service to me'' and "I almost had gotten arrested."

Blackman said he now needs medical treatment for a mental condition related to the incident.

In the suit, which he filed without an attorney, Blackman said: "I would like the court to close the business. I also would like to get my $275 payment back and a $1.8 million verdict for the tragic event that happened."

In America, we often cast prostitutes as victims. Won't someone think of the poor Johns, risking life and limb for a blowjob?

[Image via Shutterstock]