
The Incredible Shrinking AOL

Ryan Tate · 11/19/09 12:03PM

Just in time for Christmas, AOL is asking 2,500 of its workers to volunteer for buyouts starting Dec. 4 (layoffs come after) as the company separates from Time Warner and a shadow of its former online conglomerate self.

AP Layoffs Just Don't Quit

Hamilton Nolan · 11/19/09 09:07AM

The AP's layoffs continued yesterday. Small AP bureaus seem particularly vulnerable. We updated our comprehensive AP Layoff List this morning with several new tips we received overnight, and we'll continue to update today as new info comes in. [The List]

AOL Cuts Deep

cityfile · 11/19/09 08:55AM

AOL announced today that it plans to shed one-third of its workforce, or 2,300 jobs, as it prepares to be spun off by its parent company, Time Warner. The most ironic part? The man most responsible for uniting AOL and Time Warner in what has since turned out to be the most ill-advised merger in history, is the happiest he's been in years. Steve Case, AOL's co-founder, just sold his Paypal also-ran, Revolution Money, yesterday to American Express for $300 million. [Bloomberg, NYT]

Will Evangelize Your Tech Company for Food

Ryan Tate · 11/17/09 02:23PM

Don Dodge used to be an official evangelist for Microsoft, hyping the company's software and insulting its competitor Google. Then Microsoft laid him off, and Google hired him. Cue the bitter, flip-flopping blog post in which Dodge loudly switches sides.

The AP Layoff List

Hamilton Nolan · 11/17/09 12:34PM

The layoffs at the AP are indeed happening today. We're compiling a list of all the casualties—the ones we hear about and the ones reported elsewhere. Click through for our continuously updated list.

Hearst Is Amazingly Not Broke

Hamilton Nolan · 11/11/09 02:52PM

In your woebegone Wednesday media column: Hearst gets money, layoffs at Current TV, Conde Nast gets internet religion, and Sesame Street characters are the swing votes in Fox News' war for righteousness.

Six Child Media Prodigies You Should Fear

Ryan Tate · 11/06/09 02:23PM

That 16-year-old TechCrunch writer with 120,000 Twitter followers, who we wrote about yesterday, is part of a burgeoning child punditocracy. Children are operating in virtually every facet media — and doing so successfully. Fear for your job.

Glenn Beck Survives

Hamilton Nolan · 11/05/09 01:45PM

In your thumping Thursday media column: Glenn Beck does not die on the operating table, more rumor-details on the Essence layoffs, Fortune and SI get hacked, and a dying newspaper goes glossy, for unknown reasons.