
Time Warner Picks Planes Over People

cityfile · 11/05/09 01:40PM

Time Warner started cutting costs across its Time Inc. publishing division this week and is hoping to save as much as $100 million by paring back expenses and slashing several hundred jobs. One way the company could have made up the difference without sacrificing any of its employees? By selling off the three Gulfstream jets it owns!

Time Inc. Layoffs Hit People, Essence

Hamilton Nolan · 11/04/09 02:03PM

In your completely laid-off Wednesday media column: details on more Time Inc. layoffs and buyouts at People and Essence, Fortune Small Business folds, and various ways that magazine publishers are terrorists.

Time Inc. Layoffs Begin

Hamilton Nolan · 11/03/09 03:23PM

We hear Time Inc. Guild members are meeting now regarding pending layoffs. UPDATE: A tipster tells us "Time Inc.'s news division has started their layoffs." Email us details. MORE: The memo People editor Larry Hackett sent out, below.

Wall Street Journal Editor: We 'Must Think the Unthinkable'

Gabriel Snyder · 10/29/09 11:07AM

WSJ managing editor Robert Thomson announced that the newspaper — which has recently been crowing about having the largest circulation in the country (if you count online subscribers) — is shutting down its Boston bureau. Nine reporters will lose their jobs, and that's rotten. But the memo he sent out to the newsroom, and first obtained by Fishbowl's Amanda Ernst, says that while no other bureaus are slated for closure, other "unthinkable" changes may be coming to the Journal.

More AP Layoffs TK (Updated)

Hamilton Nolan · 10/28/09 03:33PM

Last November, the AP decided it would be reducing its budget 10% this year—costing up to 400 jobs, we heard at the time. How's that going? Michael Calderone estimates they may need hundreds more layoffs before January. [Politico] *Clarification:

Forbes Layoffs Are Here, and They're Brutal

Ryan Tate · 10/28/09 12:55PM

The layoffs at Forbes, which we first reported on three weeks ago, arrived today, and we hear from inside the magazine that they're "real big.... huge," with a rumored 50 or so editorial staff let go. (Updates: LA+London bureaus gone.)

cityfile · 10/27/09 02:52PM

• Nell Scovell, a writer on Dave Letterman's show in the late '80s, has stepped forward to detail the show's "hostile, sexually charged atmosphere." [VF]
• Layoffs: Yesterday's cuts at Forbes claimed 30-40 people; reality TV-focused Teen Vogue laid off half a dozen staffers today; the cuts continue this week at W; and a big round of cuts could go down at Time Inc. sometime next week.
• Sarah Palin's memoir, which comes out next month, had already earned her $1.25 million even before she stepped down as Alaska's governor. [AP]
• Michael Jackson's This Is It debuts in theaters tonight. [NYDN]
• How's Jay Leno's new show doing more than a month in? Not so good. [NYT]

Ask the Expert: A Magazine Industry Vet Weighs In

cityfile · 10/26/09 11:24AM

Ever since McKinsey & Company finished up its three-month review at Condé Nast a few weeks ago, the publishing giant has been busy cutting costs, closing down four magazines and laying off staff at most of its remaining titles. But perhaps instead of hiring the pricey consulting firm, Condé should have traveled to the front lines to talk to one of the guys who sells magazines for a living? To gain some insight into the future of printed media and find out what sells (and what doesn't), we headed over to a newsstand on Third Avenue to chat with a kind gentleman named Naseer. You'll find his thoughts on the layoffs and career advice for unemployed journalists below.