
Happy Birthday

cityfile · 05/15/09 06:43AM

Jamie-Lynn Sigler is 28 today. Fox News chief Roger Ailes is turning 69. Chazz Palminteri is 57. Jasper Johns is 79. Former Secretary of State Madeline Albright is turning 72. Current Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius is turning 61. The founder of Essence Communications, Ed Lewis, is 69. Sportscaster Dan Patrick is 53. Ahmet Zappa is turning 35. Brian Eno is 61. Former football player Emmitt Smith is turning 40. Learning Annex founder Bill Zanker is 55. And actor David Charvet, better known as the father of Brooke Burke's kids, is 37. Weekend birthdays—including that of Edgar Bronfman Jr. and Charles Kushner—below.

Leven Rambin Graduates

Sheila · 09/16/08 10:47AM

Leven Rambin, our favorite teen soap star, tore through New York back when she was still jailbait—she stole her older sister's friend's boyfriend (that would be Time Out dating columnist Julia Allison's webtard ex, Jakob Lodwick), was photographed at every party (the important ones, anyway), and had a baffling assignation with fruitini-swilling, scarf-wearing Men's Vogue writer Hud Morgan (who once got bitch-slapped at the Beatrice.) All before she turned eighteen! Now she's in Los Angeles, doing Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Rambin's (character's) new love interest is quite a step up: he's the savior of humanity, John Connor, "the boy who will one day lead an army of puny humans against sentient bloodthirsty robots."

Leven Rambin Joins Her Own Fan Club

Sheila · 08/25/08 10:31AM

The teen soap star (and little sis of lifestreamer/dating columnist Julia Allison's BFF Mary) has moved to L.A. to do some more acting. Maybe it's swelled her head: a tipster brought it to our attention that she's become a fan of herself on Facebook. See?

Leven Rambin Moving To LA

Ryan Tate · 06/16/08 04:35AM

The socialite/actress will be moving "for her new role on Fox’s Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. She will be playing Riley, a young new friend who is quick-witted." [Guest Of A Guest]

Alec Baldwin's Family Problems Not His Fault

Ryan Tate · 06/02/08 05:28AM
  • Alec Baldwin lashes out at the family court system in his book, not his ex-wife Kim Basinger. He takes care of her at live party appearances: "My ex-wife reaches an almost sexual level of satisfaction when she's in a room full of high-priced lawyers." [Showbiz Spy]

John McCain's Fabulous Starlet Supporters

Richard Lawson · 05/19/08 01:37PM

Did anyone catch John McCain's two appearances on Saturday Night Live this weekend? He was sort of funny if a bit wobbly and a tad, you know, old. He's really trying to court the youngs, isn't he? What with the SNL and that horribly awkward Dwight Schrute reference on The Daily Show. Oh and the hip, young celebrity endorsements! He's got them from reality TV Hills girls, and now he's roping in soap star annoyance Leven Rambin. Read more about the influential brainless young starlets that he's got in his camp, after the jump.

Leven Rambin Turns 18, Creepy Old Men Rejoice

ian spiegelman · 05/17/08 01:11PM

Gal-about-town and soap star Leven Rambin is officially legal today. But take note, Hud Morgan, Mark Ronson and all the other lounge-leaping, boozy 30-something-and-older NYC dudes who think they should get some of the little starlet starting now. She's still a teenager and it's still fucking gross guys! Seriously! Update: I'm being told Hud Morgan is still a shade under 30. Know what, though? Still not really a mitigating factor. Date a freaking grown-up, everyone.

Leven Rambin Should Really Set Her MySpace Profile to "Private"

Sheila · 05/12/08 10:44AM

Seventeen-year-old soap actress and New York City Lolita Leven Rambin's is well-known as a girl about town. But she should really set her MySpace profile to private! Otherwise you'll have the whole entire internet gawking at photos of you lying on your bed in your underwear, topless. SFW, yet may be illegal in some states!

Every Night is a Wild Night for Jailbait Actress Lev Rambin

Sheila · 04/28/08 01:07PM

It seems like it might be fun to be blonde 17-year-old actress and alleged "It Girl" Leven Rambin, the kid sister of Julia Allison sidekick Mary Rambin. Acting roles on All My Children and filming something for the CW aside, it seems her career as a writer is heating up: first a column in Page Six magazine, and then guest-blogging on LOLA! "When the wonderful, amazing, breathtaking, creative, eccentric [artist] Mr. Emmett Shine asked to be a guest writer on his LOLA blog, my initial reaction was "Oh My GOD, blogs are the devil!!". You know what's the devil? Jailbait actresses who refer to themselves as "Levlita," even in jest.

A Field Guide to 2008's Six Douchiest Cliques

Noelle · 04/09/08 01:30PM

Style.com wants to tell you who the cool kids are. They've compiled a field guide to "2008's Coolest Cliques" using the following six dubious categories: The New (New) Bohemian, The European Union, The Swans 2.0, The Catwalk Queens and The New Kids on the Blog. Julia Allison is mentioned three times! The whole thing is rather irritatingly in ad-maximizing slideshow form and the commentary is anodyne, so here's a condensed and snarkier version. Buckle in, kids. We'll get through this together.

"Maybe If I Adopted a Child": Leven Rambin Speaks

Sheila · 03/26/08 12:03PM

Leven Rambin, the seventeen-year-old All My Children star who's often described as a "socialite," told Daily Intel that she's a big fan of Ashton Kutcher's show, Pop Fiction. The show makes up stories and tries to get tabloids to print them. What a hilarious idea, kind of like the hunter becoming the hunted! In fact, the former Hud Morgan/Jakob Lodwick dater has a great idea of her own: "I'd have to think of something really creative and mind-fucking. Maybe if I adopted a child, like a foreign child, and carried it around and took it to work and took it to a Teen Vogue party. That'd be pretty funny." Please don't start Tumblring, Lev. [Daily Intel]

Hud Morgan Throws one Helluva "Champagne Easter Party"

Sheila · 03/24/08 09:40AM

Mens Vogue writer (and dater of teenage soap star Leven Rambin) Hud Morgan threw a loud-ass "champagne Easter party" in his West Village brownstone, where the frutini-drinking former gossip columnist lives in a studio somewhere on West 11th Street. One of his neighbors sent us a party report, written in the style of Jay McInerney and disguised as a noise complaint. What kind of people came? "Very very loud people, as if each is trying to make sure that whatever he or she is saying is heard by even those speaking more loudly. They are shouting such things as, 'Who bothers to learn their doorman's name?!?'"

hwalker · 03/16/08 05:00PM

Emily Brill is super sorry she posted Hud Morgan's pissy voicemail on the internet last Monday. The self-promoting socialite says her video of Hud's vaguely threatening call defending his relationship with seventeen year-old Leven Rambin isn't the type of "content I am interested in pursuing as a journalist and goes against the high standards of journalistic integrity I have always tried to hold myself to." Clearly, she's ridiculous and her delusions of being a "journalist" are laughable. On the other hand, I'm posting about this, so I obviously have lower "journalistic" standards then some socialite's blog. Whatever. Emily may talk a good game, but she's not taking the clip off her site. She's going to keep it online because of some nonsense about how "this blog has to represent an honest evolution of me." Hey, Emily. If you're going to be an asshole on the internet, you should at least be real with yourself about it. Trust me, I know about this stuff.

More Threats From Leven Rambin's Pissy Boyfriend

Ryan Tate · 03/11/08 03:41AM

All My Children star Leven Rambin is apparently still dating thin-skinned Men's Vogue writer Hud Morgan, reports to the contrary notwithstanding. And Hud is still trying to threaten anyone who raises questions about his relationship with the 17 year old starlet, albeit in the manner of a fruitini-drinking water polo ogler. His latest stunt was a middle-of-the-night call to dandy magazine designer Gregory Littley, who runs in the same circles as Rambin and apparently aired some healthy "skepticism" about her relationship with older man Morgan. Morgan suggested that Littley air his grievances face to face and came off sounding like he meant that as some kind of threat, albeit a barely credible one. Of course the whole call ended up on the internet, courtesy of Littley friend Emily Brill, the bloggy socialite. But maybe that was the idea. Morgan made the call from Rambin's phone and was sure to say so in his voice mail, thus helping spread the word that, no matter who else Rambin may or may not have recently made out with, she still belongs to Morgan. Video of Morgan's call, and Littley's reaction, after the jump.

Mary Rambin Told The Funniest Homeless Joke!

Ryan Tate · 03/06/08 06:18AM

Mary Rambin is a fashion designer who is all about "liberating women" and who is the sister of actress and social hand grenade Leven Rambin, friend to sex columnist Julia Allison and recent recipient of a hilarious joke from her father in which a filthy starving homeless woman sets up a punchline about the importance of privileged wealth. Rambin illustrated the joke with the picture at left of the funny-looking brown woman. The joke is after the jump, along with a brief story about what Rambin said at this one party to this one girl who was all, "Bitch!"

Another Blow For Hud Morgan

Nick Denton · 03/05/08 12:14PM

What if you defended your honor, and your girlfriend's, and she went off anyway with another guy? Harsh. For the first time ever, I feel a little bad for Hud Morgan of Men's Vogue. Last week, the fruitini-drinking former gossip columnist called out one of his friends for joking about his relationship with a barely legal actress, Leven Rambin of daytime soap All My Children. She wasn't worth it, Hud. First, the Men's Vogue writer was slapped in the face by Spencer Morgan of the New York Observer, the mocking friend, in one of the most public places imaginable, the hottest downtown nightspot, the Beatrice Inn. Now Page Six reports the fickle Rambin, who previously had an affair with Julia Allison's geeky boyfriend, has already moved on. At a party on Saturday night at the Spotted Pig, the "possessed" 17-year-old was spotted making out with hat-wearing music producer, Mark Ronson.