
Obama's Intelligence Director Says Qaddafi Could Win, Gets in Trouble

Jim Newell · 03/10/11 05:25PM

President Obama's Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, was called to testify before the Senate Armed Services Committee today, and stupidly tried to give an honest assessment of difficult foreign policy situations in response to questions asking for that. Now he's in big trouble, or at least Lindsey Graham wants him to resign.

Is Lindsey Graham About to Get Outed?

Jim Newell · 12/21/10 05:28PM

Gay rights activist Mike Rogers, the professional outer of closeted, hypocritical gay politicians, claims to have "pictures of a man who spent the night" with Sen. Lindsey Graham. He's supposedly meeting with his lawyer today before releasing them.

Lindsey Graham: 'I Ain't Gay'

Jim Newell · 07/01/10 02:35PM

The NYT Magazine is online with a hot new profile of Lindsey Graham, the Senate's most ubiquitous fifty-something lispy bachelor. And he finally addresses those gay rumors that have followed him throughout his career, saying "I ain't gay." Feisty much?

Health Care Bill Turning Senate Into a Reality Show

Adrian Chen · 12/21/09 12:30AM

After a weekend spent frantically preparing for a series of important health care votes, our nation's esteemed Senators are bickering, exhausted and undersexed. And about one bitch slap from breaking down on C-Span and begging to be sent home.