
Five Foreign Cities to Move to When the Tea Party Takes Over America

Richard Lawson · 11/01/10 04:19PM

For liberals, tomorrow's midterm elections could be a bloodbath. Rand Paul, Christine O'Donnell, Carl Paladino: These are people who could soon rule America! If they do get elected, where can you go? What foreign cities will be your refuge?

What Your Facebook Profile Photo Says About You

Brian Moylan · 10/21/10 12:07PM

Choosing a Facebook profile photo is very serious business. It's the visual that will greet high school acquaintances, jealous exes, and your parents' friends when they search you out. The image you project is entirely determined by your photo choice.

The Five Best Ways To Lose Facebook Friends

Ryan Tate · 10/06/10 11:49AM

A University of Denver PhD candidate has completed some utterly crucial research into why people unfriend one another on Facebook. The big takeaway: Don't be too focused. In the attention deficit disordered world of social networking, concentration is highly annoying.

How to Tell If Your Kid Is Gay

Brian Moylan · 09/24/10 10:55AM

Parents often find themselves trying to determine if their little tomboy will end up loving the ladies, or if their Little Lord Fauntleroy will like boy-on-boy. They probably will, say scientists. What are some other signs your offspring is queer?

Steve Jobs Releases His 10 Commandments

Ryan Tate · 09/09/10 01:41PM

Steve Jobs released rules, apparently in his own words, outlining creative correctness in Apple's App Store. The Apple CEO's "guidelines" are arbitrary, prudish and almost comically despotic. But at least now they're written down and exposed to public scrutiny.

10 Things To Do Before Summer Is Over

Brian Moylan · 08/19/10 03:21PM

Labor Day is rapidly approaching, and with it the end to the warmer weather and the lazy pace of the summer season. But before that happens, you better cross these activities off your list. Time's running out!

The Wedding Proposal Geek-Off

Ryan Tate · 08/09/10 06:36PM

There's seems to be a nerdy arms race under way over who can propose to their fiancée the most ridiculously networked fashion. Digg's Matt Van Horn, who just live-streamed video of his proposal, is the winner. For now.

10 Party Songs We Never Ever Want to Hear Again

Brian Moylan · 07/14/10 12:29PM

It's summer! Everyone is having barbecues, weddings, and other soundtrack-mandatory gatherings. When you reach into your iTunes library to cue up a get-the-party-started tune, don't you dare pull up one of these jams, or we just might kill you.