
The 10 Worst Things About Summer

Brian Moylan · 05/27/10 02:54PM

The weather is nice and hot and we can all almost taste the sweet freedom of Memorial Day. Summer is here, and that's awesome, but there are just some parts of the season that suck.

Facebook's New Privacy Controls: The Good and the Shameful

Ryan Tate · 05/26/10 03:24PM

In response to a backlash over its recent privacy rollbacks, Facebook will consolidate its many control panels into a simplified new privacy interface. But users are still pushed to overshare, and still have to opt out of egregious privacy breaches.

What to Do During Television's Off-Season

Brian Moylan · 05/24/10 03:21PM

Lost is (ugh) over. So is Gossip Girl. American Idol comes to an end this week. And Glee wraps up next week. There is now nothing to watch! What the hell are we supposed with all this free time?

Lost Finale Theories from Someone Who Has Never Seen Lost

Adrian Chen · 05/22/10 04:10PM

So, it seems like we are the only website on the Internet today not covering the highly anticipated series finale of Lost. This is because your two weekend editors have never seen the show. But we still have some theories!

Last Minute Mother's Day Gifts: A Guide

Richard Lawson · 05/07/10 03:31PM

Sunday is Mother's Day, guys. Did you forget?? Well don't worry, you still have two more days to get something nice for the lady what made you. Here are our guaranteed-to-please gift ideas.

Cartoons Banned By Apple: A Gallery

Ryan Tate · 04/26/10 05:43PM

Apple banned a third prominent cartoonist from its app store, citing mockery of Tiger Woods and a policy against "ridiculing a public figure." If we're to let Apple censor our news, we should familiarize ourselves with the company's whims.

Here is the Cover for George W. Bush's 'Memoir'

Max Read · 04/26/10 03:05AM

How dumb and lazy is George W. Bush? So dumb and lazy that he can't even write a real memoir! Instead, he will write "an account of key decisions in his life." We have some guesses about what those are.

These People Really Need to Get Stoned

Brian Moylan · 04/20/10 03:40PM

It's April 20. Because the stoner lexicon refers to reefer as "420," the date's become synonymous with celebrating the high life. Instead of posting a list of stars who already smoke up, here are a bunch of people who should.

Tea-Bagging Celebrities Are Balls Out Crazy

nightintern · 04/05/10 10:00AM

Ah, the tea-baggers! America's latest crazy political offshoot group—and, thanks to a growing number of celebrity members, the most entertaining one, too. Here, we showcase the most popular and outstandingly ridiculous celebrity tea baggers.

Turn Your iPad Into a Futuristic News Portal

Ryan Tate · 04/02/10 12:49PM

Magazines that spring to life with video. Gorgeous, instantly-updated newspapers. Custom-tailored broadcasts. The iPad could revolutionize news along these lines, which helps explain why it makes people so giddy. The new era begins with these nine news apps.

The Best "Telephone" Video Parodies the Web Has to Offer

Matt Cherette · 03/28/10 04:20PM

With any popular music video comes a seemingly endless amount of web parodies, and Lady Gaga and Beyoncé's "Telephone" is no different. But how do you separate the good ones from the junk? You let us do it for you!

Please Stop Saying These Words!

Brian Moylan · 02/25/10 04:26PM

While we're fine with people using the word "retard" liberally, there are some words, phrases, and linguistic constructions that are so tired and lazy they need to be ended. Here are a few things that drive us mad.

A Few Simple Rules for NYC's New Taxi-Share Program

Brian Moylan · 02/22/10 03:52PM

The TLC is introducing some newfangled way to share taxi cabs during rush hour. Clearly, we're going to have to come up with some sort of social contract to make these cheap rides bearable. Here is a good start.