
Liveblogging Tiffany Trump's First Brave Steps Into the Outside World

Ashley Feinberg · 07/19/16 08:15PM

Welcome to evening two of the Republican National Convention, where Ben Carson will be sewing Chris Christie’s head onto Mike Pence’s body and Tiffany Trump is allowed the rare opportunity to be seen with the rest of her family as she delivers her very first campaign speech. We’ll be coming to you live from Cleveland for prime time at the RNC.

We're Liveblogging the GOP Debate From a Ballroom Full of Republicans

Gabrielle Bluestone · 03/03/16 08:43PM

Greetings from Conservative Political Action Conference, the nation’s premiere conservative meeting place for politicians hawking books and young Republicans looking to have a good time. What better place could there be from which to cover tonight’s GOP debate, live from Detroit? Ostensibly Detroit, but that’s a lot further away and frankly I doubt we’d get credentials anyway.

Gawker and Jezebel's Democratic Debate Liveblog: Bernie vs Hillary vs That Other Guy

Sam Biddle · 01/17/16 10:57PM

The Communist Party of the U.S.A. is holding a debate tonight, pitting new nemeses Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders against one another as handsome man Martin O’Malley just sort of stands there and watches. We’re “liveblogging” the whole painful thing with our friends at Jezebel right here so you don’t have to watch.

Welcome to Gawker’s GOP Debate/End of Days Liveblog

Ashley Feinberg · 01/14/16 09:00PM

Tonight at 9 p.m., a mere seven (!) GOP candidates will take the stage in South Carolina to scream at each other en masse for the first time in 2016. And we’ll be liveblogging the whole damn thing.

Obama's Last Chance to Admit He's Muslim/State of the Union Liveblog

Ashley Feinberg · 01/12/16 10:34PM

At 9 p.m., President Barack Hussein Obama will have his seventh and final chance to address the country about his Muslim roots in this year’s State of the Union address. Will the “non-traditional” speech consist entirely of interpretive dance? Is Kim Davis planning to streak? Will Obama reveal his Kenyan birth certificate for a final mic drop? And did Paul Ryan manage to get his shift covered at Hollister? We’re about to find out.

Gawker and Jezebel Liveblog the GOP Debate Episode V: A New Hell

Ashley Feinberg · 12/15/15 08:49PM

Tonight at 8:30 p.m. Eastern, the 9 (??) top GOP candidates will take the stage for the 358th time to see who can scream “ISIS” the loudest. And we’ll be liveblogging every last tirade with the help of our sister site Jezebel. Because no one should have to go through this alone.

Hot in Cleveland: From the Pits of Hell, It's the GOP 2016 Liveblog

Ashley Feinberg · 08/06/15 07:41PM

The first (real, non-consolation prize) GOP debate begins at 9 p.m. How long will Donald Trump last before security forcibly escorts him out? How many times will the angry white men utter the word “rape” for no apparent reason? How many groups of minority voters will be spectacularly and irrevocably alienated? And how much of the beautiful light inside of each and every one of us will die before the madness finally stops? We’ll be here (with special guest Glenn Greenwald), starting at 8:45 Eastern to find out.

The Gawker 2012 Election Night Liveblog

Max Read · 11/06/12 07:45PM

Tonight, on television: the season finale of American Politics. After millions of years of campaigning, human president Barack Obama and liquid-metal terminator Mitt Romney will meet on the Sacred Plains for the mythical and deadly Dance of Swords, the traditional choosing ceremony for our people. Who will win their bloody game? Who will retain control the Senate? Will Chris Christie finally attract the attention of his crush Bruce Springsteen? Will top CNN analyst The Hologram seize return to prophesy the birth of a God-Emperor whose reign will surpass a thousand years? Crack election experts "the staff of" will be here to "live-blog" the results as those questions — and more! — are answered. Join us!

Binders Full of Barbs: The Third Gawker 2012 Presidential Debate Liveblog

Mobutu Sese Seko · 10/22/12 07:55PM

It's time for another presidential debate, but this one is different, because everyone will follow the rules and tell the truth. This is the foreign policy debate, which means we get to witness the Lucky Alien Sweepstakes, in which the two candidates' answers determine just which nation's people have won the right to be torched alive from airborne American hellfire. CROSS YOUR FINGERS, SYRIA.

Robot-Human Charisma Wars: The Second Gawker 2012 Presidential Debate Liveblog

Hamilton Nolan · 10/16/12 07:50PM

For what seems like the second time in the last thirteen days, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney will stride on stage tonight and pretend, for a few moments, to not be sickened by one another's presence. Can Obama "recover" from his "poor performance" in the last debate? Can Romney convince "swing voters" that he is "more than a Mormon robot?" The estimable Mobutu Sese Seko and I will be live blogging this debate in order to, uh, help answer these questions, and to perform other vital unspecified pundit services.

A Nation Zinged: The Gawker 2012 Presidential Debate Liveblog

John Cook · 10/03/12 07:50PM

The first debate of the 2012 general election season—the one that will fundamentally alter the direction of this race even though both Mitt Romney and Barack Obama are terrible debaters who will lose to each other—is upon us. So settle in to your couch, open a beer, review your debate drinking game rules, and let Max Read and I "liveblog"—that's a dead technology from the days before Twitter—the action for you. Let the zingers fly! (No seriously you can watch the ball game and just check in here; we'll keep you updated.)

DNC Day Two: A Very Special Liveblog

John Cook · 09/05/12 08:33PM

Greetings from the Democratic National Convention in horrible Charlotte, North Carolina, where your humble correspondents were just penned like dogs with a mass of humanity while waiting for fire marshals or some such to approve our entrance. Hamilton Nolan, myself, and SPECIAL GUEST AND GAWKER EMERITA Ana Marie Cox of the Guardian are here to liveblog this magical night for you. Let's begin.

The Democratic National Convention: A Rain-Logged Liveblog

John Cook · 09/04/12 07:30PM

How do you like the view from the cheap seats? We are sitting next to the gentleman from the Daily Caller, which ought to give you a sense of where Gawker sits in the Democratic Party hierarchy. Hamilton Nolan and I are here at the Time Warner Cable Arena, watching history (in the form of pro forma theatrics) happening before our eyes. It's raining outside, and a sad graveyard of discarded umbrellas (you can't bring them inside) sits outside the front entrance. Someone just said, "I'm Jewish, I'm gay, I'm a father, and I'm an entrepreneur." Let's liveblog!

The Dancing with the Stars Season 13 Premiere Event

Matt Cherette · 09/19/11 06:30PM

It's been a long, hard Dancing with the Stars-free summer, but tonight, a dozen new celebrity contenders will sashay across the ballroom floor for the judges' score (and our votes) as Season 13 gets officially underway. So why not watch and comment along with everyone else right here in this post!