Fox Business Network Demands That You Play Powerball and Lose
Sam Biddle · 01/12/16 04:19PM
Earlier today a Fox Business Network yapper dared point out that there is absolutely no way you will ever win the lottery, because you won’t, you dunce. But this position is for some reason intolerable at Fox, which demands that you waste your money on Powerball tickets, and so the dissenter was yelled at on TV.
Fox News: “Buy Every Lottery Ticket You Can Afford”
Ashley Feinberg · 01/11/16 11:40AM
Some Gawker writers would tell you that you’re probably not going to win the lottery. But that doesn’t mean that someone, somewhere, someday isn’t going to become disgustingly rich. And Fox News wants you to remind you that maybe—if you spend all your money on all the lottery tickets you possibly can—that disgusting person could be you.
Chances Are Good That You Will Win the Biggest Lottery Prize in History
Melissa Cronin · 01/09/16 02:40PMEvery Lottery Ad Is a Crime
Hamilton Nolan · 11/02/15 12:37PMIdiotic and Insulting Idea Originates, Surprisingly, in New Jersey
Hamilton Nolan · 07/07/15 10:20AMHamilton Nolan · 06/22/15 10:10AM
Virginia Couple Wins Lottery Three Times In A Month
Hazel Cills · 03/31/14 09:04PMWinner of Second Largest Lotto Ever Left Prize Unclaimed For 2 Weeks
Jordan Sargent · 01/05/14 10:59AMThe Lottery Is a Predator and You Are Its Math-Illiterate Prey
Hamilton Nolan · 12/13/13 12:41PMWoman Loses Lotto Ticket, Finds Out It's Worth $47 Million
Neetzan Zimmerman · 12/04/13 02:51PMWaitress Gets Lotto Ticket as a Tip, Wins $17,500
Neetzan Zimmerman · 10/07/13 09:47AMThree People Win $448 Million Lottery Jackpot, Fourth-Highest Ever
Maggie Lange · 08/08/13 08:12AMHow to Buy Dinner for a Restaurant Full of Strangers
Caity Weaver · 06/12/13 04:34PM
The 84-year-old line cutter who was recently rewarded for jumping the queue at Publix with the largest single jackpot in American lottery history ($370.8 million), may have bought dinner for a restaurant full of strangers over the weekend. She also may have continued hoarding the millions all to herself, not givin' anyone shit. An employee of the Buddy Freddy's restaurant in Plant City, FL told the Tampa Bay Times that a woman who "sure looked like" Gloria MacKenzie paid for dinner for 180 people on Sunday. That woman told the employee that she sure wasn't Gloria MacKenzie; just some other mysterious 84-year-old millionaire from central Florida buying everyone dinner for no reason.