
Lady Gaga Regrets 'Retarded' Remark

Maureen O'Connor · 04/21/11 10:45AM

Lady Gaga's "retarded" gaffe was "furiously unintentional." Jerry Seinfeld gets in a pissing match with Donald Trump. Lauren Bush wants to take fiance David Lauren's last name. Thursday gossip has regrets.

Britney's Mom Finally Admits That Meltdown Was All Her Fault

Kyle Buchanan · 12/08/08 02:51PM

There's something about that wily British press that can extract a flat-out mea culpa from interview subjects where hundreds of American journalists have tried and failed. Frost did it with Nixon, and now the Daily Mail does it with Lynne Spears, mother of Britney. No doubt, a ragtag group of journalists and producers got together for months poring over their strategy, and now, finally, they have given Lynne the cross-examination she never had, producing the apology an entire country had been clamoring for:

Jamie Lynn Spears Pioneers Brand-New 'Lipo While Pregnant' Gambit

Kyle Buchanan · 12/03/08 02:03PM

It was just last December when knocked-up teen Jamie Lynn Spears attended a showing of knocked-up teen comedy Juno, and oh, how we all larfed! The parallels, they were strong! The imagined glances between Jamie Lynn and mom Lynne, so awkward! Now, though, Star is revealing an extra wrinkle that might have made that Juno viewing even more unbearable: you see, much like our homeskillet Juno MacGuff, Jamie Lynn originally thought she was carrying a "food baby." Sadly, by the time she figured out it was a "baby baby," she had already done something she probably shouldn't have:

5 Unanswered Questions Prompted By 'Britney: For the Record'

Kyle Buchanan · 12/01/08 03:15PM

After weeks of doling out clips to a Cheeto-starved global audience, MTV finally aired the paparazzi cautionary tale entitled Britney: For the Record last night. "No topic was off limits," boasted the introductory crawl. "No question went unanswered." And no follow-up question went asked! Thus, we left the special with almost as many concerns as we had going in, including:

Lynne Spears Contemplates Vice-Presidential Run To Solicit Teen Mother Respect

Kyle Buchanan · 09/24/08 04:45PM

The Lynne Spears Redemption Tour continues, with the mother of Britney and Jamie Lynn sitting down with Newsweek to discuss her new book, Through the Storm (also known as The Lynne Spears Guide to Fucking Up Your Children). Talk turned to vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, whose daughter Bristol supposedly received a gift from fellow teen mother Jamie Lynn. Now, though, it seems like Lynne is having second thoughts about that show of solidarity — in fact, she wants to know why Sarah Palin is attracting so much more support than she is:

Lynne Spears Book Tour to Address The Real Victim: Lynne Spears

Kyle Buchanan · 09/17/08 05:10PM

It ain't easy being Lynne Spears: sure, you can live off the wealth accumulated from your daughters' hard work and sell their teen pregnancy secrets to OK! for a million dollars, but occasionally, people will think you're a bad parent! That's why it's important for Lynne to set the record straight, and the Today Show gave her just the forum this morning. Hawking her book Through the Storm, Lynne discussed the perils of overexposing your children, something that will surely be nipped in the bud by her incredibly revealing tell-all about daughter Britney's loss of virginity. Congratulations, Lynne: here's your celebratory Cheeto. [Today]

Jamie Lynn's Babydaddy Accused of Illicit Tongue-Touching

Kyle Buchanan · 08/14/08 05:20PM

Now that Britney's sister Jamie Lynn Spears has just "had the damn Caesarian already," you might think the 17-year-old would be free to raise her new baby in relative peace. Sadly, the newest issue of InTouch arrives bearing the gift of postpartum depression; the magazine has alleged that babydaddy Casey Aldridge has been cheating on Jamie Lynn with an older woman, 28-year-old Kelli Dawson. They even have proof: incriminating pictures of the two touching tongues as though they were eight-year-olds who wanted to try out the exotic concept known as "french kissing." Says the mag:

For First Interview In Two Years, Britney Spears Poses With Children, Cheetos

Kyle Buchanan · 08/13/08 07:15PM

After a brief, fruitful detour into Crazytown, pop starlet Britney Spears appeared to be on the mend: first there was the How I Met Your Mother cameo, then a sanity-spurred decline in baiting the paparazzi, then even a self-mocking MTV promo taped with Russell Brand! Things seemed to be going so well that we hardly batted an eye when OK! announced that Spears would be granting them her first interview in two years (after memorably storming out of her last encounter with the magazine). Then we saw the pictures. And the bag of Cheetos.Britney, Britney, Britney. Shouldn't you know by now that you've become so associated with a white-trash, Cheetos-chomping image that the last thing you should do is give the snack food priority placement during your comeback photoshoot? At least Spears evinced a semblance of self-awareness when she vetoed the idea that her children might follow her into the entertainment industry. Says OK!:

Bible Publisher Set to Release The Lynne Spears Guide to Fucking Up Your Children

Kyle Buchanan · 08/11/08 07:15PM

Though they've already missed the perfect Mother's Day window, publisher Thomas Nelson, Inc. has just released new information on a parenting guide/cautionary tale penned by Britney and Jamie Lynn materfamilias Lynne Spears and set for release next month. Dubbed Through the Storm, the book will no doubt prove instructive to any stage mother willing to milk her daughters for all they're worth, subsequently ignoring them when their pregnancies/mental breakdowns interfere with a novelty T-shirt sale at Kitson (free out-of-season Uggs with any purchase!). Says Star Magazine:

Britney's Mom's Memoir Apparently Riveting

Sheila · 07/02/08 09:35AM

Publishing insiders are all a-twitter about Lynne Spears's memoir about her troubled pop-star daughter Britney. CEO Michael Hyatt, of Christian publisher Thomas Nelson, microblogs: "I'm reading through the second draft of the Lynne Spears manuscript tonight. I am hoping to be able to approve it tomorrow. It's totally compelling." A few minutes later: " I can't put it down—and I'm not even the market!" One hour later: "Wow. People are going to be surprised. The media have it so wrong." Teach us, Lynne. [Michael Hyatt's Twitter]

The Loneliest Detail

Richard Lawson · 06/23/08 09:15AM

[Lynne Spears, mother of singer Britney and new mama Jamie-Lynn, is escorted by a McComb, MS police officer when leaving a Wal-Mart over the weekend; image via INF]

The Paparazzi Take A Weekend Trip To Louisiana For Jamie Lynn Spears' Baby Shower

Molly Friedman · 05/05/08 01:10PM

Baby showers tend to be happy, innocuous gatherings dabbled with smiley supportive friends, gushing family members and the occasional guest who clearly doesn't want to be there. But when Juno Lynn Spears throws a big ol' baby party down in sweet home Louisiana, party guests also include armed guards and security detail. Why? Well, big sis Britney came to town, bringing her best pair of booty shorts and that memorable messy blonde bun from her barefoot bathroom escapade days along. The rest of the guest list, including which family member was noticeably missing, after the jump.

Britney Spears' Answer To Beating The Traffic Blues Includes Applying Makeup And Playing Bumper Cars

Molly Friedman · 04/14/08 12:50PM

Looks like last week's news that the Britney Spears Comeback Tour were showing signs of slowing down were more prophetic than we thought. On Saturday night, Spears was on her way to break bread with her semi-estranged mother Lynne when she rear-ended a Nissan that stopped in traffic in front of her on the 101. The cause of the accident? Britney was applying her makeup while driving:

Britney Spears, Code Name 'The Package', Rushed To Hospital As GurneyGate 2.0 Unfolds Overnight

mollyf · 01/31/08 12:03PM

Oh dear. For those of you who actually sleep at night, you missed a whopper of an evening at the Spears household. After Britney's newly assigned psychiatrist visited her at her house in the early evening, he found her condition and recent antics so dismal, he contacted the LAPD in an attempt to have her officially committed to UCLA Medical Center — a plan that TMZ reports was "days in the making". What followed was an all-night is-she-or-isn't-she-sane frenzy, the timeline of which we've etched out for you after the jump:

mollyf · 01/29/08 08:01PM

Britney Spears, her no longer estranged mom Lynne and sketchball manager Sam Lufti hit a Beverly Hills Mercedes-Benz dealership earlier this afternoon in search of some good old-fashioned retail therapy. Brit Brit arrived on the scene dressed in typical scattershot fashion: faux intellectual glasses, the dirtiest pair of cowboy boots west of El Paso and some sort of belly-baring lace-accented sweater thingie. And in case you're wondering, no, she didn't buy anything. Good thing, considering she still doesn't have a valid driver's license. [TMZ]

'Bipolar' Britney Breakdown: iPhone Threats, High Speed Car Chases, And A Little Terrier Named London

mollyf · 01/29/08 12:00PM

Last night, a quasi-dramatic screaming match between Britney Spears and her manager Sam Lufti quickly turned from a typical Monday With Britney™ into a full-on Mariah-style breakdown. After a barefoot and bruised-cheeked Britney called current loudmouth boytoy paparazzo Adnan saying, "Baby, come get me," The Animal's estranged parents rushed onto the scene, as did the LAPD. When the frantic Adnan finally arrived, he was denied entrance to Brit's castle and then became engaged in one of the eeriest text message conversations we've ever seen (conveniently delivered via iPhone!):

Jamie Lynn Spears Reemerges In Time To Horrify Us With Her Own Prenatal Mood Swings

Seth Abramovitch · 01/07/08 08:13PM

Whether or not you believe the U.K.'s News of the World's highly dubious but insanely entertaining account of the events that led up to her 5150 Straightjacket Meltdown, one specific detail particularly resonated: The one where Britney calls up Jamie Lynn, says, "You're not going to be the only fucking Spears on the front cover of a magazine next week," then abruptly hangs up on her.

Lynne Spears Parenting Handbook Still A Go After Being Reclassified As Horror Fiction

seth · 12/21/07 02:10PM

When news first broke that Jamie Lynn Spears, the up-and-coming, 16-year-old sister to down-and-going, 26-year-old Britney Spears, had made up her mind and was keeping her baby, those looking for someone to blame instantly turned to Lynne Spears—a big-league stage mother seemingly incapable of keeping her litter in check. Now, the publisher of what was widely reported to have been a guide to good parenting authored by Lynne leaps to her defense, claiming the book was in fact a cautionary tale about the pitfalls of breeding children for fame—a subject on which Lynne is arguably the world's foremost expert:

Britney Spears Celebrates Mothers' Day Early

Emily Gould · 10/30/07 08:00AM
  • Britney Spears' mom's ghostwriter wants to make it clear that Lynne "is not a stage mom." The title of the book is "Pop Culture Mom: A Real Story of Fame and Family in a Tabloid World," and it comes out next Mother's Day, so hi, Mom, that is totally what you're getting. [Gatecrasher, 2nd item]

Emily Gould · 10/25/07 12:35PM

From Publishers Marketplace: "Mother of pop-star Britney Spears and television actress Jamie-Lynn Spears's personal story of raising high-profile children while coming from a low-profile Louisiana community, to David Dunham and Joel Miller at Thomas Nelson, for publication in Spring 2008, by Chip MacGregor at MacGregor Literary." Thomas Nelson is a publisher of Bibles, inspirational (Christian) books, and occasionally books by pontificating celebrities like Bill Cosby, so Lynne Spears is a natural fit for their list.