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Whether or not you believe the U.K.'s News of the World's highly dubious but insanely entertaining account of the events that led up to her 5150 Straightjacket Meltdown, one specific detail particularly resonated: The one where Britney calls up Jamie Lynn, says, "You're not going to be the only fucking Spears on the front cover of a magazine next week," then abruptly hangs up on her.

Having dutifully knocked herself up at the age of 16, and delicately broken the not-so-OK news on the cover of OK!, it seemed to us that the younger Spears had truly gone the distance towards achieving autonomous scandal-tinged notoriety, and that neither would ultimately benefit from a tabloid-craving tournament of sisterly one-upsmanship. Nevertheless, Jamie Lynn has reemerged on cue for the first time since the news broke in these exclusive photos from Accompanied by stage mom war horse Lynne Spears, Jamie is pictured outfitted in the latest in Ole Miss-branded urban maternitywear, and carries a GED test book, proving that despite added pressures, she's fully committed to completing her home-high-schooled education. If not for her, then for the little one on the way.