
Ron Paul Aims to Keep Screwing With Romney

Louis Peitzman · 02/11/12 04:46PM

Can we always call him "feisty Ron Paul" the way Steve Peoples of the Associated Press does? In an AP article republished by MSNBC, Paul reflects on his chances in Maine, which he believes are good. Romney can probably stand to lose another one of these caucuses, right? And a Paul win would bring his name back into the discussion, as we cycle between the final four unelectable Republican presidential candidates.

Same-Day Voter Registration: A Secret Gay Plot?

TPM · 11/08/11 12:26PM

Here's an interesting way to rally opposition to a ballot proposition that would allow for same-day voter registration: convince voters that it's being pushed by gay activists and their pro-gay agenda.

State Rep Pulls Gun on Photographer at Dunkin Donuts

Lauri Apple · 05/22/11 12:00PM

It's not entirely clear what led Frederick Ladd Wintle, a Republican state legislator from Maine, to believe that a local news photographer might also be a drug dealer who's somehow responsible for killing babies. But it appears that he was wrong, and also wrong about some other things.

Maine Mosque Vandalized Following Bin Laden Death

TPM · 05/02/11 07:52PM

On Monday in Portland, ME the walls of the largest mosque in town were spray-painted with "Osama today, Islam tomorow [sic]" and other phrases, sometime following morning prayers on the day after American forces killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.

You Can Now Enroll in Marijuana State University

Brian Moylan · 04/12/11 12:08PM

Ray Logan has opened enrollment for his Marijuana State University, a three-hour workshop in Maine that teaches people how to grow marijuana in their homes. Logan is one of the nearly 1,000 people in the state who have a medicinal marijuana prescription. And now he's sharing his green thumb with the world.

Boy with No Hands Wins Handwriting Contest

Maureen O'Connor · 04/07/11 03:46PM

Let us take a break, now, from our daily diet of sarcasm and filth for a heartwarming tale: Nicholas Maxim, a boy born with arms that end at the elbow, won educational publisher Zaner-Bloser's annual National Handwriting Contest this year. A fifth grader at Readfield Elementary School in Readfield, Maine, he beat out 200,000 other grade schoolers for the quality of penmanship he produces by pinching a writing utensil between his arms.

Scoring Sunday's Nuptials: Hair Comes the Bride, All Tressed in White

Phyllis Nefler · 07/18/10 06:51PM

Fearless Gawker wedding correspondent Phyllis Nefler is braving the heat this weekend as well as the picture-perfect pairings featured in the vaunted pages of the New York Times Weddings section. Come along, but beware: Trinity, teachers, and Maine: oh my!

Women in Maine Stage Topless Protest for Equality

Ravi Somaiya · 04/30/10 04:56PM

The women of Maine are sick of men being allowed to take off their shirts on hot days, while women must keep their chests, with associated ornaments, hidden. A couple of dozen just staged a topless march about it.