
Student Kills Self After Suspension Over Legal Drug

Max Read · 02/20/11 09:39PM

Let's check in on America's public school systems and see how we're preparing our youth of today for the challenges of tomorrow! In Fairfax County, Va., The Washington Post reports, a 15-year-old "model student" and linebacker, Nick Stuban, was suspended and banned from school property for seven weeks for buying a capsule of the legal "marijuana-like" synthetic compound JWH-108. He was then reassigned to a different high school; a month later, he killed himself.

Is Weed Making You Sexually Dysfunctional?

Max Read · 02/14/11 02:40AM

Is smoking marijuana making you bad at sex? "Recent research—including the finding that the penis contains receptors for marijuana's active ingredient—suggests that young men may want to think about long-term effects before rolling a joint," writes LiveScience. Dr. Rany Shamloul of the University of Ottawa, Queen's University in Canada and the University of Cairo (Wow! Good for him!) tells the website, "it's a strong message to our younger generations and younger men." Indeed!

Family Feud Answer Goes to Pot

Lisa Gagliardi · 02/07/11 10:30AM

When asked to name something that gets passed around Steve Harvey couldn't believe to hear the contestant yell 'a joint!' What makes this situation better is to hear the other family's counter answer.

Marijuana-Cola May Be Coming to a Grocery Store Near You

Preksha Kumar · 02/01/11 06:30PM

Citizens of California and Colorado may have a reason to celebrate. Introducing Cannabis Cola, the healthy alternative to getting your daily dose of THC for *cough* medical purposes! Of course, the bigger question is—are they looking for tasters?

Obama Talks Drugs

Jim Newell · 01/27/11 06:10PM

President Obama fielded one of the many questions about drugs during his YouTube interview today! And he didn't laugh it off like last time. While he doesn't support legalization, he acknowledges it's an "entirely legitimate topic for debate." Better!

Do Not Get Your Toddler High

Max Read · 01/18/11 11:21PM

It's happened before, of course, and I'm not blaming anyone here, except maybe God. It must be very tempting, when you have this tiny, stupid little person hanging around your house, to make it do hilarious things like wear sunglasses, and smoke marijuana. Why not? You own your kid, more or less. It already loves dumb colorful TV shows. And your baby has so much free time!

Pat Robertson Wants Marijuana De-Criminalized

Matt Toder · 12/23/10 02:15PM

Unexpected: Televangelist Pat Robertson, known to have a strong (and crazy) opinion from time to time, recently came out in favor of de-criminalizing marijuana. He just thinks it's a waste of money to lock people up "for a few puffs."

Pat Robertson Wants the Devil's Weed Decriminalized

Jim Newell · 12/22/10 05:51PM

Whatever happened to the culture warriors? Everyone is either a gay soldier or a black president nowadays. Or perhaps even a pot decriminalizing televangelist? This is old Pat Robertson, now. Pat Robertson is sick of the War on Marijuana.

Miley Cyrus Bong Rips Caught on Video

Maureen O'Connor · 12/10/10 10:36AM

"You're gonna shit a brick when you see this," Miley's friend says while filming her smoking a bong. Julia Roberts attacks a paparazzo. Bieber takes a Disney star on a date. Rabbits turn James Franco on. TGIFriday gossip.

City-Sanctioned Pot Farms Coming to Northern California

Adrian Chen · 11/21/10 02:12PM

Yet more evidence that Northern California is the Chillest Place on Earth: City-sanctioned pot farms and "gardens" should soon be springing up in a handful of super laid-back municipalities. In Oakland, they're processing applications for four "industrial sized pot farms."

Government Prepares for Pot Growers' Bomb-Flinging Terrorist Attack

Jim Newell · 11/19/10 03:38PM

Government counter-terrorism officials gamed out a very likely terrorist scenario in a Northern California drill this week: That of marijuana growers setting off bombs, taking hostages, and laying siege to a strategically critical dam. We are so prepared for this!