
Harold and Kumar 3: The Christmas One

Max Read · 08/10/11 08:19PM

Here's the trailer for A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas, which is, yes, the third Harold and Kumar movie to grace our multiplexes. It is, as you may have guessed, a Christmas movie shot in 3D.

Hamburger Meat Spoils Drug Deal

Lauri Apple · 07/31/11 12:51PM

The vegan philosopher Morrissey tells us that "meat is murder," and for our vegetarian purposes he's correct. But murder is also murder, which is why you can't shoot your drug dealer even if he brazenly gives you hamburger instead of weed.

Feds Seize 468,900 Marijuana Plants, Arrest 100

Max Read · 07/30/11 02:24PM

Jerks in the federal government announced on Friday that they'd uprooted 468,960 pot plants and arrested some 100 people as part of a two-week long operation in the Mendocino National Forest, called "Operation Full Court Press" by authorities and "Operation What a Bunch of Assholes" by everyone else.

Stoned Guy Steals Ambulance from House Fire

Max Read · 07/25/11 10:57PM

Marijuana is an odd drug! Sometimes when you're stoned you fall asleep in the middle of taking a bite of a cookie. And then sometimes you steal an ambulance from outside a house fire at 4 a.m. and drive across your neighbors' lawns.

Tween White Power Folk Singer Twins Now 'Liberal' Potheads

Max Read · 07/17/11 05:03PM

Lamb and Lynx Gaede, who once sang hits like "Aryan Man Awake" and "Hate for Hate: Lamb Near the Lane" as tween white power folk group Prussian Blue, have grown out of their hate-mongering phase. Way out: They are now, basically, artistic hippie potheads.

Mexico Finds 'Biggest Marijuana Plantation' Ever

Jeff Neumann · 07/15/11 05:32AM

Mexican soldiers yesterday raided a 300-acre marijuana farm in Baja California — a find that authorities say is the biggest in the country's storied drug-growing history. General Alfonso Duarte told Reuters, "This is the biggest marijuana plantation we have found in the country," and guessed that it was staffed by as many as 60 people.

Philly Saved $2 Million by Not Prosecuting Small-Time Potheads

Max Read · 07/09/11 04:09PM

Hello, cities facing a budget crisis! If you would like to spend less money, might we suggest not taking small-time marijuana busts to court? Philadelphia did it last year, and the city saved $2 million. Plus, think of all the money you can make if you tax Snoballs!

Fatty Foods Get You High

Max Read · 07/06/11 09:32PM

Fatty foods, new research indicates, have affect your brain in a similar way to marijuana, activating brain chemcials called endocannabinoids that "produce a drug-like feeling." This feeling—like marijuana!—then encourages you to eat more fatty foods, of course.

Tommy Chong, Drug War Flack Have Comical Marijuana Debate

Jim Newell · 06/24/11 02:52PM

Reps. Ron Paul and Barney Frank introduced a bill yesterday that, for the first time, would end the federal ban on marijuana, leaving it to the states. CNN covered the news appropriately, by having a erudite debate between an old stoner actor and some asshole former g-man.

An Actual Bill to End the Federal Marijuana Prohibition

Jim Newell · 06/22/11 03:15PM

It would seem natural, given America's many current, profound problems that need to be resolved to avoid its total destruction, that more people nowadays would view federal investigators and their coordinated SWAT teams equipped with auctioned-off military weapons chasing around pot dealers as a waste of limited government resources.

Connecticut Decriminalizes Marijuana

Max Read · 06/07/11 08:48PM

Connecticut became the 13th state to decriminalize marijuana on Tuesday with the passage of new legislation in the House of Representatives. Possession of less than a half-ounce of pot will garner you a $150 fine (one that increases with subsequent offenses); if you're under 21, you'll get a two-month suspension of your driver's license. Connecticut could save some $885,000 in court costs and attorney salaries, and make as much as $1.4 million in fines and fees, not to mention the obvious economic benefits for convenience stores. [Hartford Courant; image, of a Connecticut State Police officer removing a pot plant in 1996, via AP]

'Wal-Mart of Weed' Opens in Arizona

Jeff Neumann · 06/02/11 04:20AM

Yesterday afternoon, Arizona's first weGrow franchise — a "superstore-sized garden center" that sells everything you need to grow weed — opened for business in Phoenix. And it sounds great. Besides being a one-stop shop for all of your growing needs, there are doctors on hand to help diagnose those "back spasms" you're dealing with:

Dutch Government Ruins Amsterdam for Backpackers

Max Read · 05/28/11 11:58AM

The Netherlands' right-wing coalition government announced yesterday that it will ban tourists from weed-selling coffee shops by the end of the year, effectively giving the finger to backpackers everywhere. And while we generally support liberal drug laws, and have no fondness for Geert Wilders' anti-Muslim Freedom Party, we don't really blame the Dutch for wanting to limit drug tourism, given that it attracts the most annoying people on the planet.

Will the Marijuana-Guarding Bears Be Killed?

Lauri Apple · 05/08/11 03:01PM

A group of hibernating black bears who supposedly worked as security guards for some alleged Farmer Potpusher in British Columbia should be waking up really soon, says B.C. province's environmental minister. If the bears don't learn how to forage fast, they might be goners.

Was Osama Growing Weed?

Max Read · 05/03/11 08:23PM

Reporters have discovered all kinds of marijuana plants growing around the compound in which Osama Bin Laden had been living since 2006. Did his death end the War on Terror and the War on Drugs? Probably! Both CNN and The Daily Telegraph note the "small plots of marijuana growing in the deserted lots on the compound's perimeter." The Telegraph describes it as "wild cannabis" (and notes that it gives the area "a pleasant fragrance in the hot early summer air"), and it's not uncommon for weed to just be growing as, literally, a weed in parts of Pakistan. But if the White House is allowed to just make up whatever it wants about the mission that killed Bin Laden, we feel confident saying: Osama was growing bud. Why else was he buying so much soda?

Antoine Dodson's Day In Court

Seth Abramovitch · 04/29/11 02:56AM

How can you stay mad at Antoine Dodson? He's like the rape-whistle-blowing bastard love child of Chris Rock and Miss J. Alexander, beamed down from Planet YouTubia for our personal amusement. Here he is at a court appearance to answer to charges of marijuana possession. In his BEENNZ. The guy can only communicate in viral video-ese! He's a viral video savante. Little Man 'Toine. God bless him. [YouTube]

Andrew Sullivan Loves the Release of a Good Document

John Cook · 04/28/11 03:05PM

Newsweek/Daily Beast celebupundit Andrew Sullivan really, really wants to see Trig Palin's birth certificate, thinks Obama should have released his earlier, and has lots of righteous things to say about how real reporters demand to see documents. Funny thing—we're trying to get documents about you, Andrew! Care to help?

Anti-Legalization Lawmaker Busted for Pot Possession

Max Read · 04/25/11 06:16PM

In February, Rhode Island State Rep. Robert Watson said that his state had its priorities right "if you are a Guatemalan gay man who likes to gamble and smokes marijuana." Big surprise: He just got busted for marijuana possession.