
Adam Weinstein · 06/26/14 10:23PM

The wealthy congressman moves easily through his South Carolina district, from his plantation home to Kazoobie Kazoos to Larry Toomer of Bluffton to "a heavyset man with a goatee" sipping tequila from a Solo cup. It's not a Flannery O'Connor grotesque. It's the life of cheating hypocrite Mark Sanford.

Open Psychic Wound Mark Sanford Accused of Trespassing in Ex's House

Max Read · 04/17/13 09:14AM

What goes on in the mind of Mark Sanford—politician, businessman, lover, poet, creep? On the eve of his attempted political comeback (he's running for congress), the former South Carolina Governor, who disappeared for five days while governor, claiming to be hiking the Appalachian trail, has been accused of trespassing in his ex-wife's house:

Disgraced Ex-Governor Mark Sanford Wins Primary Runoff

Taylor Berman · 04/02/13 09:03PM

Late Tuesday evening, Mark Sanford won the GOP primary runoff to become the Republican Party's official congressional nominee South Carolina's First District. Sanford soundly defeated his opponent, Curtis Bostic, reclaiming the GOP nomination for the House seat he held for three terms prior to being elected governor of South Carolina in 2002.

Disgraced Former South Carolina Governor Engaged to Ex-Mistress, Proves True Love Is Real

Taylor Berman · 08/26/12 08:16PM

Remember Mark Sanford? He was the South Carolina governor who disappeared for five days a few years back to go have sex with his Argentine mistress in Buenos Aires but told campaign aides that he was on the Appalachian Trial, doing whatever it is people do when they're on the Appalachian Trail. Anyway, it turns out Sanford was right to abandon his state and wife and family to go have sex in Buenos Aires because now he and the mistress, TV reporter Maria Belen Chapur, are getting married. As CNN reports:

The Sanfords' Public Humiliation Continues

Ravi Somaiya · 02/26/10 08:20AM

First South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford was born. Later, he pretended to be hiking the Appalachian Trail when in fact schtupping the Argentinian woman. Then his wife wrote a disparaging book. Now their divorce proceedings will be on TV.