
Mark Zuckerberg's Dad Learns the Perils of Facebook Advertising

Adrian Chen · 03/30/11 02:27PM

Mark Zuckerberg's dad, Edward, is a dentist in Dobbs Ferry, NY. We got some sense of the guy from the goofy letter he sent out to prospective patients claiming to be "literally the father of Facebook." But he's not so blatant about his Facebook connection any more.

Now You Have to Worry About Your Ugly Underarms

Hamilton Nolan · 03/30/11 10:08AM

Remember to include the Unilever corporation on your Christmas card list this year, ladies: without their groundbreaking research, you wouldn't know enough to be publicly concerned about the hideousness of your armpit region.

Hair Club For Men Is a Biker Thing Now

Hamilton Nolan · 03/28/11 09:17AM

Hair Club for Men—now called simply "Hair Club" in order to communicate to ladies that yes, you ladies are welcome here too, come right in—has made a strategic decision to turn the vast resources of its sly marketing machine (which created "I'm Also a Client") on a new hairless demographic: bikers (the motorcycle kind). This probably makes sense somehow.

Is 'Neuromarketing' Real? Who Knows?

Hamilton Nolan · 03/25/11 01:54PM

"Neuromarketing" is a term coined by the advertising industry because it sounds nice and not at all scary or ominous. Then again, it might be total pseudoscientific crapola! Who's to say? The advertising industry, that's who!

Here's a Guy Hacking a Times Square Jumbotron for Real

Adrian Chen · 03/23/11 01:19PM

A few days ago, the Internet freaked out over a viral video of a guy who hacked Times Square video screens with a live feed from an iPhone. It was a fake viral marketing stunt for the new movie Limitless. But now a guy has done it for real—sort of. Adi Isakovic, a 27-year-old entrepreneur, tested out his new product, TubeMote, and used it to broadcast a video of his dog on a Times Square Jumbotron.

Millions of Mommy Bloggers Are For Sale, Cheap

Hamilton Nolan · 03/15/11 10:38AM

Across America, millions upon millions of despondent mothers (3.9 million, specifically!) have started blogs to share their feelings of anomie, their existential despair at the trap that their lives have become, and cleaning tips. Many of them aspire to one day be used as a small cog in a vast corporate marketing machine. They work cheap!

No, Michelle Obama Is Not Killing Cap'n Crunch

Hamilton Nolan · 03/10/11 10:20AM

Whether you're a child, an adult desperately trying to cling to the bygone symbols of childhood, or simply have a poorly developed palate, the fact is, you love Cap'n Crunch™ brand breakfast cereal, despite all of the good reasons not too. Well, good news, corn syrup fetishists: contrary to published reports, your beloved cartoon-clad corn byproduct nuggets are not disappearing.

The Evolution of Marketing

Richard Blakeley · 03/04/11 11:45AM

From Mad Men to guerilla and social marketing, here is an animated short by the marketing firm Cake Group that will bring you up to speed on the history of marketing.

New Dr Pepper: Ten Bold Calories of Penis Flavor

Hamilton Nolan · 02/21/11 12:50PM

Are you a 25-to-34-year-old male who prefers regular Dr Pepper, but wants fewer calories—and also knows that Diet Dr. Pepper is for queers? Allow us to introduce you to Dr Pepper Ten: ten masculine calories, made outta balls.

Now You Can Sue Stores for Asking for Your ZIP Code

Hamilton Nolan · 02/16/11 12:44PM

Do you know how sometimes you go to buy a pack of gum or some spoons or a pack of washcloths and the person at the register demands that you tell them your ZIP code, in order to be granted the right to hand over money for your purchase? And you're like "Buh? That is so exploitative. Well whatever, I really need these spoons." Yes, well, last week that practice was ruled illegal by the Supreme Court of California. And already, "More than a dozen new lawsuits have been filed against major chains that do business in California, including Wal-Mart Stores Inc., Bed Bath & Beyond Inc., Crate & Barrel and Victoria's Secret" over their ZIP Code-asking ways.

Ghosts Apparently Don't Like Water Slides

Jeff Neumann · 02/07/11 06:19AM

Britain's Thorpe Park was building a new water ride right on top of an ancient burial ground until workers started complaining about cold sensations and other ghostly feelings, so they've called in a paranormal detection agency. Great marketing scheme!

Wal-Mart Answers Your Pleas for More Tween Makeup

Hamilton Nolan · 02/03/11 04:38PM

Is your tween daughter looking homely? Want to get her started wearing makeup as early as possible—but also want to be sure she only wears all-natural makeup? You begged for it. The Wal-Mart corporation delivered!