NASA Scientists Concerned About Infecting Mars' Pristine Water With Microbes From Our Filthy Planet
Tessa Stuart · 09/28/15 06:52PMMars Is the Worst Vacation
Hamilton Nolan · 04/13/15 09:31AMMars Mission Chooses 100 People Best Suited to Dying on Another Planet
Hudson Hongo · 02/16/15 11:15PMSolemn Film Asks Gravest Mars-Mission Question: What About Fucking?
Dayna Evans · 02/10/15 03:50PM
The civilian mission to Mars, which will likely never happen in a million bajillion years, has received its fair share of mixed press. Most recently, The Guardian interviewed three potential candidates for the mission in a self-serious documentary gut-wrenchingly titled "If I die on Mars," in which an unnamed interviewer asks the most devastating question of all: You guys gonna be mad that you can't fuck anymore?
Louis C.K. Is Not at All High as He Explains Earth's a Martian Graveyard
Jay Hathaway · 10/08/14 02:53PM
Louis C.K. has a feeling he's discovered "the origin of the basic despair that we all feel in the pit of our being, that one thing we all share." And it's not, as he previously posited, the knowledge that each of us will be forever empty and alone. It's that Earth is a Martian graveyard, and we're all "seeded by marsian corpse DNA."
India Makes History as Satellite Enters Mars Orbit
Zara Golden · 09/23/14 11:10PM
India has nailed its first foray into interplanetary travel. Wednesday morning local time, scientists announced that their Mangalyaan – Hindi for "Mars Craft" – had entered Mars orbit after completing the 400-million-mile arc to Mars it began last November. It will now set about collecting imagery and data that might shed light on the still mysterious red planet.
NASA Declares Test on Mars Travel Technology a Success
Kelly Conaboy · 06/29/14 08:41AMUtah Man Can Finally Dump Wife and Children By Going To Mars
Ken Layne · 01/14/14 01:38PMMore Than 78,000 People Have Applied to Die on Mars
Max Rivlin-Nadler · 05/11/13 09:05AMMars Rovers Enter Teen Years, Begin Drawing Penises on Everything
Robert Kessler · 04/23/13 08:45PMWant a One-Way Ticket to Mars?
Max Rivlin-Nadler · 03/17/13 11:08AM
Another week, another eccentric millionaire making promises to colonize Mars. This time, it's Dutchman Bas Lansdorp, whose Mars One project is looking to put teams of astronauts on the Red (well, not actually red) Planet by 2023. He's looking for applicants right now, no experience necessary. Just one catch, though.
There Could Have Been Life on Mars
Maggie Lange · 03/13/13 08:03AMBREAKING: Deep-Fried Mars Bars Unhealthy, Says Candymaker
Neetzan Zimmerman · 09/06/12 04:36PMWatch This Stunning New High-Definition Video of The Mars Rover's Descent
Adrian Chen · 08/22/12 10:52AMHere is an incredible new video of the Mars Curiosity Rover's descent, so clear it's like you're bearing down on Mars yourself. The video is comprised of hundreds of high-definition still images beamed back by the Mars Descent Imager (MARDI) and stitched together to form a video. It seems almost too good to be true, except you can check out the original raw images here.
The Curiosity Rover's First Color Photo of Mars Sucks
Max Read · 08/07/12 09:35AM
Here's the first color photo from Curiosity, the two-billion dollar NASA robot that landed on Mars yesterday. What a crock of shit. This is the first color photo of Mars we're getting? An Instagram of a mountain? Is Curiosity taking photos with a RAZR? This is the worst photo I've ever seen. Fire everyone at NASA. [NASA]
Finally, A Place Where Vegans Won’t Inconvenience Everybody: Mars
Caity Weaver · 07/18/12 09:48AMNewt Gingrich Will Establish a Permanent Moon Base, But What About Mars?
Jim Newell · 01/25/12 06:03PM
Newt Gingrich was campaigning on Florida's Space Coast today when he decided, fuck it, I'm pandering: "By the end of my second term we will have the first permanent base on the moon and it will be American." Sure, why not. What about Mars? "Gingrich also said he would push to develop propulsion technology that would get man to Mars." He would merely "develop" the project. Such a cop-out.
All Mars Needs to Be Habitable: Light Therapy Lamps, Some Other Things
Lauri Apple · 12/12/11 10:55AMEnormous Robot Begins Journey to Mars in Search of Life
Max Read · 11/26/11 11:29AMRight now, several miles above the surface of the earth, a huge wheeled robot is on its way to Mars, where, armed with "rock-zapping laser," it will seek out evidence of ancient extraterrestrial life.