
Here's Seven Minutes of the Best Slaps in Hollywood History

Matt Cherette · 01/24/11 04:16PM

One of cinema's earliest, longest, most famous and eternally requisite action moments is the slap. So, what better way to celebrate that than with seven minutes of the movies' best slap-happy moments, all conveniently presented in a supercut! Watch inside.

The Best Cat Videos of 2010 in 90 Seconds

Matt Cherette · 12/28/10 12:00PM

Each year, the Internet blesses us with a seemingly endless array of cat videos, and 2010 was no different! From cute to curmudgeonly, sappy to scary, tame to thrilling, and more, here's our compilation of the year's best feline-focused offerings.

Here Is a Video of People in the Movies Watching Movies

Matt Cherette · 10/07/10 02:46PM

In your Thursday edition of, "Whoa, how meta. That's so, like, meta!" we have this: a montage that features several scenes from the movies of... people watching movies! I'm surprised it took someone this long to make one! Watch inside.

That Guy From LOST Will Piss On Your F@$%ing Rug

Anderson Evans · 04/01/10 02:46PM

He is credited as Blond Treehorn Thug in the iconic Big Lebowski, but if you've ever watched LOST you know him as the mysterious Jacob. Watch the identities merge in a hilarious mashup coming after the jump!

Palin, or Miss Teen South Carolina?

Sheila · 09/26/08 04:29PM

It's a fair question. Judge for yourself with this mashup by Nick McGlynn. "I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because... some people out there in our nation don't have maps..."

Logo 2.0 redux

ndouglas · 02/23/06 10:25AM

Ludwig Gatzke published a newer, grander collection of Web 2.0 logos, called Logo 2.0 Part II (as if Part I wasn't sweet enough). All these bright, candy-like brands! So exciting! A few deserve special recognition: