
The Gun-Law Improvements That No One Is Taking Seriously

Adam Weinstein · 05/28/14 01:03PM

America's gun conversation, to the extent that there is one, is facile, extreme and led by monied interests on both ends. The NRA is awful and the vocal anti-gun left is little better—focused on superficial answers to a culture-wide problem. Here are some reform ideas that ought to be taken seriously.

Cord Jefferson · 09/17/13 01:23PM

The Atlantic Wire's Philip Bump concludes that if mass shootings in America continue at the pace they've been on since 2009, "there could be 14 more before [President Obama] leaves office."

Three People, Including Two Children, Shot Dead in Denver

Robert Kessler · 02/06/13 01:07PM

Denver police are investigating a shooting this morning that left three dead, including two children. Another child was injured and taken to the hospital; all three children involved are under 10 years old.

The Unbearable Invisibility of White Masculinity: Innocence In the Age of White Male Mass Shootings

David J. Leonard · 01/12/13 02:15PM

I have been profiled my entire life as innocent. When disruptive in class, I was told that I was eccentric, that I needed to work on my focus. Growing up, I looked for fights and conflicts yet I never fit the profile of a juvenile delinquent. The chip on my shoulder never signified a thug; I was just a kid with a bad temper who needed to mature and grow out of it.