
Matt Lauer Breaks Into the Late Show Theater

Matt Cherette · 07/20/11 01:30AM

In the last 10 days alone, two different men have been arrested for vandalizing the entrance to the Ed Sullivan Theater, where the Late Show with David Letterman is taped. Scary! But at least Letterman is taking it all in stride, as you'll see in this clip from tonight's program, which features Today Show anchor Matt Lauer attempting his own theater break-in with a metal trash can.

Lindsay Lohan Had a Diva-Off with Matt Lauer Last Night

Maureen O'Connor · 06/23/11 10:45AM

Lindsay Lohan meant to give an interview before today's court appearance, but freaked out and locked herself in her bedroom instead. Hugh Hefner's wedding special is back on. Tobey Maguire and Matt Damon get caught up in a illegal poker scandal. Thursday gossip makes demands.

Matt Lauer Reportedly Leaving Today, Too

Max Read · 04/06/11 07:55PM

Is Matt Lauer quitting Today, too? A day after TV Guide reported that his co-host Meredith Vieira plans on leaving at the end of her contract, Entertainment Tonight reports the same thing about Lauer. It must be Roker's fault, right?

Snooki Teaches Matt Lauer Some New Vocabulary

Lisa Gagliardi · 01/11/11 01:29PM

Matt Lauer interviews Snooki about her new novel and finds there's some language he's not familiar with. Learn what a ba-donk and weenus are along with Matt. Oh, and surprise! She says she had someone help her write the book.

NBC's People of the Year: Kim Kardashian, the Brand

nightintern · 11/25/10 11:22PM

On tonight's NBC's People of the Year special, Kim Kardashian talked about branding herself, using Twitter to crowdsource beauty advice, how her parents' involvement in the OJ Simpson trial helped prepare her for fame, and her Ray-J sex tape debacle.

So, Kanye West Had Another Long Rant

Christopher Han · 11/24/10 12:57PM

"...Taylor never came to my defense in any interview!" Last night, at his record release show/party at the Bowery Ballroom in New York City, Kanye West went on a nine-minute tirade about, well, just about everything. This is not unprecedented.

George W. Bush on Kanye West: "Disgusting"

Matt Cherette · 11/08/10 09:00PM

Tonight, NBC aired Decision Points, its interview of former President George W. Bush by Matt Lauer. When the topic of Hurricane Katrina—specifically, Kanye West's "George Bush doesn't care about black people!" outburst—came up, Bush got angry. Really angry.

Dina Lohan: Lindsay Is an Addict

Matt Cherette · 11/08/10 02:20PM

This morning, Dina Lohan appeared once again (remember this?) on The Today Show for an interview with Matt Lauer about her troubled daughter, Lindsay. During the chat, Lohan admitted—openly—that Lindsay is, in fact, an addict. Shocker! Watch inside.

What Does George W. Bush Like to Read on His iPad?

Matt Cherette · 11/07/10 07:05PM

Former President George W. Bush's interview with Matt Lauer airs on NBC tomorrow night, but tonight's Nightly News gave us a tech/gossip-focused preview. Apparently, Bush has an iPad—he likes to read gossip on it! Find out what inside.