The Decade in Maureen Dowd's Pop Cultural References

Peter Feld counted nine separate references to The Flintstones (a primetime tv cartoon from the 1960s) in Maureen Dowd's op-ed columns of the 2000s. But what other tv shows did Maureen compare everything to, in this decade?
We randomly plugged in a couple TV shows and movies that we feel like we remembered her mentioning every week into the New York Times search engine, in order to get a hopefully accurate idea of the limits of MoDo's cultural awareness.
Only a couple items beat The Flintstones! But those that did did so by a large margin.
- 16 Sopranos references.
- 15 Sex & the City references (possibly missing some as we did not search for every reference to drinking Cosmopolitans or calling someone "Carrie" or "Samantha").
- 11 terrible, terrible Godfather references.
- 9 Desperate Housewives references.
- 8 Survivor references.
- 7 Law & Order references.
- 6 Dr Strangelove references
- 6 Ally McBeal references.
- 3 Grey's Anatomy references
- 3 Taming of the Shrew references
- 3 Fatal Attraction references
- 1 Basic Instinct reference
- 0 Single White Female references
- 0 Keyboard Cat references
Bonus: "Your search for kanye in all fields and dowd in byline returned 0 results."