
Lacey Donohue · 01/01/14 04:49PM

Rob Ford, North America's most beloved mayor, will file for re-election tomorrow. Because why the fuck wouldn't he?

The Dossier on Rob Ford, the Crack-Smoking Mayor of Toronto

Maggie Lange · 05/17/13 12:21PM

In a matter of hours, Robert Bruce Ford has gone from being known as "Toronto's conservative mayor" to "Toronto's crack-smoking mayor." But we're getting ahead of ourselves here. Before he was Rob Ford, Crack Smoker, he was Rob Ford, Canadian Football Fan. Or Rob Ford, Wildly Racist Bigot. You might even know him as Rob Ford, Wife Beater. To help us explore the Rob Ford of the past, we have compiled a compendium of Mayor Rob Ford's controversies—the scandals, the rage and outrageousness, the wit and witticisms—organized thematically below:

Cory Booker's Spokesman Refuses to Say Whether or Not He's Gay

Max Read · 01/29/13 10:16AM

The world cried out for more words on puppy-rescuing Newark Mayor, New Jersey Senate hopeful and Twitter celebrity Cory Booker, and Buzzfeed has delivered — 5,000 of them, answering the question "Can Cory Booker Keep It Together?" (the answer: Maybe?). Unfortunately, only a handful are devoted the only question anyone really cares about: is he gay? The answer, again, is "maybe?"

NJ Republican Pol Having a Rentboy Scandal

Lauri Apple · 10/22/11 03:27PM

Another day, another weird sex-related news story starring a Republican politician from New Jersey. Today's installment stars Medford mayor and one-time Congressional candidate Chris Myers, who allegedly has a thing for blue Calvin Klein underpants and also rentboys—though maybe not, because have you heard about the nefarious things people do with this Photoshop computer-program stuff?

Mayor Crushes Illegally-Parked Car With Tank

Max Read · 08/02/11 06:10PM

In the U.S., mayors deal with cars parked in bike lanes by saying We have bike lanes? Are you sure? In Lithuania, mayors deal with cars parked in bike lanes by running them over with a goddamn tank.

Mayor Won't Resign After Public Bender

Lauri Apple · 07/30/11 05:50PM

The city council in Sheboygan, Wisconsin wants to remove the mayor from office because he's a self-proclaimed alcoholic who recently went on a three-day bender during which he got into a fight and passed out at some schlubby tavern that, from pictures, looks just like how stale Cheese Doodles smell.