
Y Combinator's webcam can't touch MC Hammer

Tim Faulkner · 10/12/07 12:32PM

The Y Combinator guys may be acting starstruck, but maybe its MC Hammer who's playing the fanboy here. Y Combinator's coterie of entrpreneurs could easily return the favor by providing the rapper with real video services. Everyone, including MC Hammer, knows they can. Why would the startuppers reduce the Hammer to begging for volunteers — if not to subtly put him in his place?

Letting loose at TechCrunch40

Megan McCarthy · 09/18/07 04:16PM

Microsoft executive Don Dodge captures a moment from the TechCrunch40 conference. Or, more specifically, after the conference, in the limo ferrying VIPs from the TechCrunch40 VIP dinner to the after party at Fluid. Pictured, from left, Mayfield Fund VC Raj Kapoor on the floor of the limo; Allen Morgan, also from Mayfield, throwing gang signs; DanceJam cofounder MC Hammer; and angel investor Ron Conway, looking bewildered.

M.C. Hammer Has A Posse

confonz · 05/03/07 03:34PM

CONFONZ — Would you believe that M.C. Hammer is still alive? When not dancing his heart out at his Oakland church, Hammer spends his days using a Mac and jumping out of airplanes with nothing but his famous pants to save him. Further more, the man now has a startup. It's called DanceJam, and you're not cool enough to see it yet. Rumors on the IntarWeb state that the site will be a YouTube clone focused on videos of people dancing. But wait! There's a value add! If you upload your dance video, Hammer will watch it and rate your moves. Look for this site to be a goldmine for embarrassing blackmail footage when it launches later this year.

Remainders: Oh hell, she can probably recite poetry in German

ndouglas · 04/03/06 10:38PM

¬ Having blogged that Facebook should take the $750 mil and run, dot-com expert John Battelle backtracks when the Harvard Crimson calls. The key to looking prescient: always have two contradictory opinions to point back to. [Harvard Crimson]
¬ Marissa Mayer gets interviewed — in German (or translated, at least). Philipp Lenssen of Google Blogoscoped translates the highlights. Says Google's VP of search: "Nobody ever writes about how we constantly improve our ranking system!" Because it'd be such a riveting story! [Google Blogoscoped]
¬ Kansas City is the new Silicon Valley. [MSNBC]
¬ Wait, Bangalore is the new Silicon Valley. [DNA India]
¬ New York Times Valley correspondent John Markoff (pictured somewhere up there) reads Valleywag. I hope he's commenting as "openwag". [POP! PR Jots]
¬ Things MC Hammer says in his guest post the Google Video Blog: "He [his character in a music video] is willing to do 'all tricks' if she 'speaks it from her lips.' This willingness is possible only if he gets to know her. He seeks commitment, romance and sensitivity." Things Hammer says in the video: "Girl, I need to know your name." Now that is commitment. [Google Video Blog]

Hammer's got a startup

ndouglas · 03/13/06 09:04PM

Liquid Generation's James Kleckner has a scoop on MC Hammer's dot-com — a bigger deal than his blog. The humor site founder says that Hammer's insisting on using his old slogans on all the branding and ads — which, if he's fine with being Mr. Ironicpants, would kick ass.

Hammer Time at YouTube

ndouglas · 02/15/06 11:17AM

Why did M.C. Hammer personally visit YouTube to talk about his music video? Because he's that awesome.