
Media Bubble: On the Whole, We'd Rather Be in New York

Jesse · 08/17/05 12:25PM

• Philadelphians don't believe the Times's sixth-borough crap any more than we do. [Inquirer]
• Because no else seems to have any idea, CBS asks its interns how to save the Evening News. [NYO]
• Officialy, all Timesmen love Judy Miller. Confidentially, not so much. Something for OTR sources to consider: The way you talk about Judy, how far do you think moonlighting E&P newshound Joe Strupp will go to protect your identities? [Salon]
• The Voice calls Newsweek's Fareed Zakaria the pundit world's Backstreet Boy, whatever that means. , egregiously ignoring George Stephanopoulos. [VV]
• A j-school prof wonders, should I tell my students the truth, that the business kind of sucks? Nah, of course not. Where would we be without irrationally earnest j-students? [E&P]

Media Bubble: Jon Stewart and His Abs of Steel

Jesse · 08/16/05 04:29PM

• MPA finally decides which editors will get the privilege of bantering with Jon Stewart: VF's Graydon Carter, Time's Jim Kelly, Cosmo's Kate White, and Men's Health's Dave Zinczenko. "Here's hoping he's a Men's Health fan," says Zinczenko. Oh yeah, we're sure he is. [WWD, second item]
• The special prosecutor might try to keep Judy Miller in jail for even longer. Which means only one thing: More Mediterranean cruises for husband Jason Epstein! [E&P]
• Now Roger Ailes is in charge of Fox's TV stations, too. They'll be even fairer and balanceder. [NYT]
• Effective yesterday, it's World News Tonight, not World News Tonight With Peter Jennings. [USAT]
• In the all-Target New Yorker, the discount chain comes off as like Kim Jong Il. Or something like that. [Design Observer]

Media Bubble: Another Look at the Geeky Fantasy Life of Simon Dumenco

Jesse · 08/15/05 12:15PM

• Back from imaginary Thanksgiving with the Murdochs, Simon Dumenco is drafting imaginary decency memos at the FCC. [Ad Age]
• Hey guess what? The kids like the cable networks' late-night fare, like Jon Stewart and Family Guy. And advertisers like to go where the viewers are. [LAT]
• The Bancroft family controls Dow Jones & Co., which publishes The Wall Street Journal. But the way they've been selling their stock, the family might not for much longer. [NYP]
• The newest New Yorker writer: Former WP managing editor Steve Coll. [NYT]
• Thanks to the new Wallpaper*, you can peek inside Rupert Murdoch's fridge. [WWD]
• David Carr remakes that Observer classic, "When Rupert met Hillary..." [NYT]
• Dan Rather liked Peter Jennings, too. [NY Mag]
• For foreign-policy types, sexy pictures in the new Playboy. [Media Mob/NYO]

Media Bubble: We Assume 153 Writers Signed a Letter of Protest

Jesse · 08/12/05 12:55PM

• Target to be sole advertiser in Aug. 22 issue of The New Yorker. For that week, definitely, it's Targ . [NYT]
• American Media, publisher of Star and National Enquirer, won't pay sources, like rival OK! They'll only pay women with sex-harassment charges against Schwarzenegger. [LAT
• If big-city life in high school with money, then Jason Binn publishes the yearbooks, says Sexy Jon Fine, who notes that he's been in those yearbooks twice. [BusinessWeek]
• Magazine Publishers Association to distribute kits on "Magazine Speak" to help ad salesmen sell. How knowing what "dek," "TK," and "FOB" mean will help sell ads is beyond us, but, then, we're not ad salesmen. [Folio:]
• As we speak, MSNBC chief Rick Kaplan is ordering a window washer killed. [Jossip]

Media Bubble: But What About the Tourists? Think About the Tourists!

Jesse · 08/11/05 12:25PM

• CNN's American Morning moving from street-level studio to CNN newsroom, leaving Midwestern tourists with a mere four street-level morning shows in Midtown to flock to. [NYDN]
• Finally, a prosecutor decides against subpoenaing a Times reporter. [Miami Herald]
• The Wen Ho Lee case against the Times and others, however, continues. And could be much worse for journalists. [Boston Phoenix]
• Rumor has it a Times reporter is skulking around Philadelphia, looking for sources on a "sixth borough" story. Anyone know Jenny 8.'s whereabouts? [Philebrity, third item]
• Now Trump's blogging, too. Is the shark finally jumped? [TechWeb]
• Apparently we're not making sweet love to anyone at Page Six. (We're not? That was all so long ago that at this point, we've forgotten the details.) In other breaking news, it seems we work in our pajamas and like cheap drinks. Who knew? [RS]

Media Bubble: Icahn Do Anything You Can Do, Smaller

Jesse · 08/10/05 03:50PM

• Carl Icahn wants to split up Time Warner. [NYT]
Times digital chief Martin Nisenholtz says the hope is that office move will make "part of the DNA of the newsroom." Our hope is that people finally stop talking about inanimate objects' DNA. [OJR]
• With the network-news changing of the guard complete, advertisers might reconsider all the money they spend on the evening news. [NYT]
• New sports spinoffs TK from Times Magazine and, natch, SI. [NYO]
• Francis Bean Cobain, Kurt and Courtney's daughter, to appear in "Young Hollywood" package of October Teen Vogue. [WWD]

Media Bubble: More Americans Get Their News From... Whom?

Jesse · 08/09/05 01:05PM

• What's next for ABC News? No one's quite sure. [NYT]
• Slap-happy Hot 97 to pay fine of $245,000. [Reuters via Yahoo!]
• Bruce Wasserstein, who bought New York from Primedia last year, buys Primedia business-to-business group. More places for young Ben to work! [NYP]

Media Bubble: Readers Are Fools

Jesse · 08/08/05 01:45PM

• God bless Jack Shafer, who writes what most journalists know but don't say: That readers are two-faced nincompoops. [Slate]
BusinessWeek gets hammered by new circ rules; other pubs likely to follow. [NYP]
• Natalee Holloway's Aruba disappearance is, while bad for Natalee, very, very good for Greta Van Susteren. [AP]
• Explaining the baby-mag boom. [Mediaweek]
Esquire announces five-year-plus series on building the Freedom Tower. [NYT]
• More proof of Simon Dumenco's very strange fantasy life: An imagined Thanksgiving at the Murdochs'. [Ad Age]
• Mediabistro's Elizabeth Spiers doesn't like women's magazines. Also, she is friends with people who are friends with Christopher Hitchens. [mb]
• On the recently wrapped MTV reality show Miss Seventeen, 17 girls compete to win an internship from Atoosa. [WWD, second item]

Media Bubble: Newspaper Editorials Are a Way for Editorializing

Jesse · 08/05/05 01:00PM

• At Advertising Week in September, the headline event will be Jon Stewart interviewing four yet-unnamed prominent magazine editors. We really hope it's Newsweek chief Mark Whitaker. We hear he's a laugh riot. [AdFreak]
• "[B]logs are often just a way of making oneself appear on the Internet," observes NYT editorial. No word on whether newspapers are a way for making oneself appear in print, of if TV is a way for making oneself appear on TV. [NYT]
• More on the Murdoch Family Feud: It wasn't that Rupe couldn't let go, it was that Lach just didn't care enough. And dad was very disappointed in him, young man. [Economist]
• Top flack Peter Costiglio to leave Time Inc. at end of summer. Also, EIC Norm Pearlstine could hand over the top chair to editorial director John Huey around then, too. Ah, they grow up so fast these days. [NYP]
• Army Archerd to end column, but not leave Variety. [NYT]
• Will Fairchild honestly name a new editor to take over Jane within the next week? And does this new editor actually exist as of yet? [Folio]

Media Bubble: Is It Mean to Point Out We Bought Our TWX After the Merger?

Jesse · 08/04/05 01:54PM

• Time Warner sets aside $3 billion to settle lawsuits resulting from the Worst Merger in History. Sadly, it's not coming from Steve Case and Jerry Levin's personal bank accounts. [NYT]
• Newly arrived OK! doesn't look much different from the competition. [USAT]
• Judy Miller fits in fine in jail, warden says. And, if not, they have vays of making prisoners "fit in." [WP]
• Howard Stern to go uncensored on video-on-demand TV. [NYP]
• "All that press coverage of the blogs, and the audience is just minuscule," a Forrester Research veep says while releasing a new study. And how big's your audience, Forrester? [Boston Herald]

Media Bubble: Who the Fuck Are You Calling Prickly?

Jesse · 08/03/05 12:27PM

• Writers' group takes away Conscience in Media award from Judy Miller. "Independent writers are a prickly bunch," says group's prez. [E&P]
• ABC News gets kicked out of Russia. Now they know how our great-grandparents felt. [NYT]
• More management changes at Inc. and Fast Company. Thus even further undermining the idea that these are folks from whom to take advice on managing your business. [Folio:]
• For those who thought the Martha Stewart brand wasn't sufficiently a cult of personality, now comes word that she wants to fill the audience of her first syndicated TV show entirely with people named Martha Stewart. [AP via CST]
Stuff magazine starts the slow death of the letters-page. "Let's face it," EIC Jimmy Jellinek tells Jolly Green Jeff Bercovici. "The only people who write letters to magazines are prisoners and Canadians." [WWD]
Nightline doesn't hate its new exec producer. Yet. [NYO]

Media Bubble: Live From San Francisco, It's Al Gore

Jesse · 08/01/05 12:48PM

• Al Gore's cable network, which launches today, is apparently a tapas bar, says a San Francisco Chronicle writer. This is, we think, a good thing, mostly because we had some excellent tapas last time we were in the City. [SFC]
• Katie Couric is a diva, but not one who throws lamps, says Ken Auletta. Not that we can actually get to his article online. [NYer]
• While her husband is on vacation, Judy Miller gets jail visits from journos. [E&P]
• TV on the web is perhaps finally here. Which comes as great news for your friends who worked at Pseudo five years ago. [NYT]
GQ really, really likes The Dukes of Hazzard. [NYT]
• As if things were looking so rosy for media companies in the first place, now a global ad slowdown is expected. [NYP]
• Ten bought-out employees had their last days at the Times on Friday. [Romenesko]
• Apparently there's a clever guy in Los Feliz running a smart and funny blog about Hollywood. Who knew? [LAT]

Media Bubble: He Had a Dream

Jesse · 07/29/05 01:00PM

• A milestone in the struggle for equality: TV networks cover a missing black and Hispanic woman the same way they usually cover missing white women. Someplace, Dr. King is smiling. [USAT]
• Surprised to learn in the Post a few days ago that Osama planned to poison our cocaine? Yeah, so was the DEA. [NYDN]
• Morgan Spurlock is coming to Comedy Central, continuing his effort to become more ubiquitous than McDonald's but not nearly as delicious. [Mediaweek]
• Interestingly, in-flight mags are not the best place for subversive political satire. Who knew? [Folio:]
• At new Bloomberg LP headquarters, Charlie Rose guests are insufficiently from the hoi-polloi reporters. The horror. [WWD]
• Bob Woodward's The Secret Man is, maybe, a very poorly selling best-seller. [Media Mob]

Media Bubble: Rule, Britannia. Or Don't.

Jesse · 07/28/05 01:16PM

• Once ruled the world, now can't influence a nightly newscast: ABC ignores British request not to broadcast images of terrorists' unexploded bombs. [NYT]
• Pakistan arrests a suspect in murder of WSJ reporter Daniel Pearl. [Reuters]
Inc. editor John Koten will be EIC and CEO of both that mag and Fast Company, both recently purchased by Joe Mansueto. And he wants to launch two more mags within the year. [Mediaweek and Folio:]
OK! mag chief says he'll spend up to $100M to make OK! America a success. [NYP]
• Fox News's Shepard Smith, denying he's a Republican, says "even his girlfriend doesn't know his views." Among other things she doesn't know. [TVNewser]

Media Bubble: Listening to Horace Greeley

Jesse · 07/27/05 03:20PM

• Former Timesman Dean Baquet continues to be newly crowned LAT editor, as Tom Scocca goes west to confirm. [NYO]
• And Michael Kinsley did "a pretty horrible job" at LAT, says Nikki Finke. Come on, Nikki, what do you really think? [L.A. Weekly]
• RIP, Post's Hamptons Dairy, more or less. [Media Mob]
• Syd Schanberg teaches the right way to read the paper and watch TV. We can't believe we've been so woefully undertrained all these years. [VV]
• More virgins in Manhattan: Richard Branson considers free NYC daily. [Forbes]

Media Bubble: It's Better to Live in the City Where You're Editing the Editorial Page. Who Knew?

Jesse · 07/26/05 11:51AM

• Michael Kinsley likely to stop running Los Angeles Times editorial page. Displaying his legendarily razor-sharp analytic skills, Kinsley says: "This living in Seattle and editing the editorial page is not an ideal arrangement." [NYT]
TV Guide to slash rate base, pull back on listings, increase lifestyle and entertainment coverage — that is to say, to become like every other magazine. [AP via Newsday]
• In terms of prison fabulosity, Judy Miller's no Martha Stewart. [Newsday]
• Two Source execs charged with attempted murder. Oy. [Vibe]

Media Bubble: Al Gore Invented TV, Too

Jesse · 07/25/05 12:30PM

• Al Gore, media mogul, is set to launch Current TV a week from today. [NYT]
• Jann Wenner and Kent Brownridge are the lovable rogues of publishing. Unless you have to work for them, in which case they're not so much lovable. [NYT]
• Another launch: Quick & Simple, Hearst's first weekly service mag, will his stands next week. Only $1.49 per issue. [Mediaweek]
• Simon Dumenco reveals all his off-the-record secrets, including the sweet nothings Jacob Bernstein whispered to him at summer camp. [Ad Age]
• New public-radio program, "Open Source," will be blog-based radio. Because that's what bloggers need: More opportunities to yammer. [NYT]

Media Bubble: Attention Must Be Paid!

Jesse · 07/22/05 04:36PM

NYT Arts & Leisure czarina Jodi Kantor gives up the big job for a reporting slot at The Way We Live. "After a couple of years in the building," she says in the memo, "I'm dying to get out and actually report some stories myself." Sure. And Willy Loman was dying to drive from city to city and make no sales. [Romenesko Memos]
• The removal of the couch shows that Jon Stewart is trying to take on Ted Koppel. Or something like that. [LAT]
• Fairchild interns think Fairchild's new dress guidelines make no sense, reports Fairchild's WWD. [WWD, fourth item]
• Like the Catholic church and sinners vs. sins, Seventeen chief Atoosa Rubenstein doesn't hate blogs. Just the no-longer-anonymous bloggers she nearly hires to work for her. [Jossip]
• More fun with maybe/once-anonymous bloggers: Hot on the trail of Imaginary Socialite, Daily Transom builds us to a great climax. Then, natch, it doesn't finish. Sigh. [Daily Transom]

Media Bubble: Judy! Judy! Judy!

Jesse · 07/20/05 12:15PM

• The American Society of Journalists and Authors doesn't love Judy Miller as much as it thought it did. [E&P]
• Nor should they, if Joe Conason has anything to do with it. [NYO]
• Things ain't OK at OK! America. [NYP]
• Fraternal foodies Matt and Ted Lee to pen Martha Stewart Living's first ever wine column. [WWD (second item)]