• Writers' group takes away Conscience in Media award from Judy Miller. "Independent writers are a prickly bunch," says group's prez. [E&P]
• ABC News gets kicked out of Russia. Now they know how our great-grandparents felt. [NYT]
• More management changes at Inc. and Fast Company. Thus even further undermining the idea that these are folks from whom to take advice on managing your business. [Folio:]
• For those who thought the Martha Stewart brand wasn't sufficiently a cult of personality, now comes word that she wants to fill the audience of her first syndicated TV show entirely with people named Martha Stewart. [AP via CST]
Stuff magazine starts the slow death of the letters-page. "Let's face it," EIC Jimmy Jellinek tells Jolly Green Jeff Bercovici. "The only people who write letters to magazines are prisoners and Canadians." [WWD]
Nightline doesn't hate its new exec producer. Yet. [NYO]