What Is And Is Not "Cool," According to Greg Gutfeld
Hamilton Nolan · 03/24/14 02:13PMShane Smith Explains Journalism
Hamilton Nolan · 03/21/14 02:54PM"The Story of Our Lives" at the Sources and Secrets Conference
Hamilton Nolan · 03/21/14 02:15PMHamilton Nolan · 03/13/14 05:15PM
Twitter Is Public
Hamilton Nolan · 03/13/14 12:30PMVice Is Very Touchy About Its Wonderful Work on Behalf of Brands
Hamilton Nolan · 03/03/14 12:41PMHow to Land an Interview With Charles Koch
Hamilton Nolan · 02/27/14 05:00PM
Evil cartoon villain Charles Koch, one half of the Amazing Billionaire Koch Bros., does not give a lot of interviews. You can hardly find a photo of the guy. But one outlet has landed a coveted Charles Koch interview "get"—the Wichita Business Journal. How did they do what so many other news outlets could not?
Marine Corps Commandant Got So Mad at Newspaper, He Tried to Ban It
J.K. Trotter · 02/23/14 09:45PM
Last year, the Marine Corps Times reported that the Department of Defense was investigating Marine Corps Commandant General Jim Amos and four of his aides for allegedly manipulating the military’s legal system and promotion process. Amos couldn’t stop the independently-owned Times from doing its job, so he tried the next best thing: Completely banning its sale from all Marine Corps bases.
Baltimore Is One Step Closer to Being a Zero-Newspaper Town
Tom Scocca · 02/21/14 01:03PM
It's not even possible to get mad at the Baltimore Sun now. The Baltimore Sun is a nursing home where newspapering goes to die, or to sink into terminal urine-soaked frailty and confusion. Yesterday it announced it had received the commitment papers for City Paper, the city's alternative weekly, b. 1977 – d. TK But Soon.
BuzzFeed’s Trump Takedown Drives Breitbart to the Brink of Insanity
J.K. Trotter · 02/19/14 05:05PM
You’ve probably read BuzzFeed’s long profile of Donald Trump, in which political reporter McKay Coppins explains the absurdity of the businessman’s political aspirations and the “yes-men” who enable them (one of whom Trump quickly fired). Even if you haven’t read it, the editors of sure have.
Rupert Murdoch’s $800 Million Tax Break Kneecapped Australia’s Budget
J.K. Trotter · 02/17/14 10:35AMVice Seeks Copy Editor "for it’s upcoming Vice News website"
Hamilton Nolan · 02/17/14 10:09AMPiers Morgan Was Questioned By Police About Phone Hacking
Hamilton Nolan · 02/14/14 04:39PMBill Keller's Legacy Is the Decline of the Times
Hamilton Nolan · 02/10/14 12:09PMJ.K. Trotter · 02/05/14 01:45PM
Nope, Obamacare Won't Kill Two Million Full-Time Jobs
Adam Weinstein · 02/04/14 04:42PMThe Wall Street Journal Keeps Doubling Down on "Liberals Are Nazis"
Hamilton Nolan · 02/04/14 12:54PMJ.K. Trotter · 02/04/14 12:45PM
California Is Finally Getting a Real Weekly Magazine
Ken Layne · 01/29/14 03:14PM
A new weekly magazine called California Sunday was announced this morning, and reaction was immediate and joyous. The very creative business idea is to put the print mag inside the state's biggest Sunday papers, while having all the websites and apps that are exciting to new-media people but can't charge Sunday paper ad rates.