
Glenn Greenwald Leaving The Guardian To Start His Own Media Outlet

Adrian Chen · 10/15/13 03:48PM

Glenn Greenwald, the columnist who brought the world the Ed Snowden Papers, is leaving the Guardian to start his own website. BuzzFeed reports Greenwald, who spent the summer scoring scoop after scoop about the NSA, is starting "a very well-funded… very substantial new media outlet."

Hamilton Nolan · 10/09/13 08:33AM

Philadelphia Inquirer editor Bill Marimow was fired on Monday with little warning or explanation. The reason, according to a new report: he refused to fire five staffers the company ordered him to fire.

Hamilton Nolan · 10/08/13 01:27PM

The New York Times opinion section is adding more than two dozen international contributing columnists, from Kenya to Iran. Thomas Friedman will ask each of them to drive him around in a cab.

Malcolm Gladwell, Professional Softball Player

Hamilton Nolan · 10/07/13 10:34AM

Wildly successful proverb investigator Malcolm Gladwell is a writer for The New Yorker, the most prestigious magazine journalism outlet in America. Despite this fact, he says that—as a policy—he does not do journalism.

1-800-F1U-CKYO: The Birth of a Beautiful Conservative Meme

J.K. Trotter · 10/03/13 04:55PM

A beautiful thing happened on Thursday morning. The Drudge Report threw up a giant headline, “SIGN UP: 1-800-FUCKYO,” beneath a Photoshopped picture of Barack Obama holding the bell of a stethoscope. The headline linked to a Daily Caller item, published several hours prior, about’s toll-free hotline, which is 1-800-318-2596. These numbers, associate editor Katie McHugh wrote, correspond to 1-800-FUCKYO. Sort of.

The Daily Beast Lays Off 20

Hamilton Nolan · 10/01/13 03:36PM

Having overseen the near-total collapse of the Newsweek-Daily Beast conglomerate, Tina Brown announced last month that she was leaving The Daily Beast—uh, strictly by choice, of course. The site hastened to add that it would not be closing down. It will, however, be laying people off.

Hamilton Nolan · 09/20/13 02:57PM

Though Tina Brown is leaving, The Daily Beast itself will be funded for at least another year, according to a Daily Beast story that trumpets the site's triumphs so loudly that it's impossible to miss the undertones of desperation.

Hamilton Nolan · 09/09/13 07:45AM

Robert Allbritton, the publisher of Politico, has purchased Capital New York, the site founded by former New York Observer editors Tom McGeveran and Josh Benson. Allbritton plans "to do in New York what we did in Washington with POLITICO." Or even, hopefully, something better.

Welcome Back, Richard Johnson

Hamilton Nolan · 09/05/13 11:15AM

Richard Johnson spent a quarter century turning the New York Post's Page Six column into America's premier tabloid gossip column. Three years ago, he left for a big money gig on the West Coast. Now, he is returning home. Welcome back, you sleazeball!