Glenn Greenwald Leaving The Guardian To Start His Own Media Outlet
Adrian Chen · 10/15/13 03:48PMColumnist: Adrian Peterson Is a Jerk Because His Son Was Murdered
Hamilton Nolan · 10/14/13 08:33AMYou Simply Must See Carrot Top at the Luxor, Reports National Newspaper
Hamilton Nolan · 10/11/13 08:48AMHamilton Nolan · 10/09/13 08:33AM
Hamilton Nolan · 10/08/13 01:27PM
Philly Inquirer Editor Fired Same Day Paper Ties Ed Rendell to the Mob (Updated)
Hamilton Nolan · 10/07/13 01:23PM
This morning, Philadelphia Inquirer editor Bill Marimow was abruptly fired. The paper's publisher cited "philosophical differences" to explain the move. Also today, ran a story about a book tying former Pennsylvania governor and current Inquirer owner-pal Ed Rendell to organized crime. Coincidence?
Malcolm Gladwell, Professional Softball Player
Hamilton Nolan · 10/07/13 10:34AMJill Abramson Lives in a Glass House of Horse Race Politics Coverage
Hamilton Nolan · 10/07/13 09:41AM
In an interview this past weekend, New York Times editor Jill Abramson decried THE POLITICO-style coverage of politics, in which "the political maneuvering becomes the dominant thread and what is lost is what effect it actually has on people." In a story yesterday about the US commando raids in Libya, her own paper did just that. (Then made it disappear.)
1-800-F1U-CKYO: The Birth of a Beautiful Conservative Meme
J.K. Trotter · 10/03/13 04:55PM
A beautiful thing happened on Thursday morning. The Drudge Report threw up a giant headline, “SIGN UP: 1-800-FUCKYO,” beneath a Photoshopped picture of Barack Obama holding the bell of a stethoscope. The headline linked to a Daily Caller item, published several hours prior, about’s toll-free hotline, which is 1-800-318-2596. These numbers, associate editor Katie McHugh wrote, correspond to 1-800-FUCKYO. Sort of.