Bin Laden Assassination Story Is "One Big Lie," Says Seymour Hersh

Seymour Hersh, one of the best-sourced journalists in America, who's been breaking huge stories of government scandals ever since the My Lai massacre, says that the official government story of Osama Bin Laden's assassination is "one big lie."
Don't even get him started on the New York Times which, he says, spends "so much more time carrying water for Obama than I ever thought they would" – or the death of Osama bin Laden. "Nothing's been done about that story, it's one big lie, not one word of it is true," he says of the dramatic US Navy Seals raid in 2011.
The Obama administration lies systematically, he claims, yet none of the leviathans of American media, the TV networks or big print titles, challenge him.
Hersh has made this point in various forms before. It always leads one to hope that a big story about it is on the way. Seymour Hersh is, all things considered, a far more credible source than the US Department of Defense.
This was part of a wide-ranging talk by Hersh, in which he offered the following prescription for saving journalism: "I'll tell you the solution, get rid of 90% of the editors that now exist and start promoting editors that you can't control."
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[Photo: AP]