
Stop Hiring Political Operatives as "Journalists"

Hamilton Nolan · 05/18/15 09:00AM

The big controversy in the political pseudo-journalist world this week: the stunning revelations that ABC news anchor George Stephanopoulos made undisclosed contributions to the Clinton Foundation. Allow us to point out that George Stephanopoulos never should have been a news anchor YOU IDIOTS!!!!

Hamilton Nolan · 05/08/15 03:55PM

Richard Beckman, who spent five years as president of Conde Nast Media Group, has been hired by Vice Media, where he will join a former White House official as an executive at what is still quaintly referred to as an “edgy, brash media brand.”

Peggy Noonan Talks Blobs

Hamilton Nolan · 04/15/15 10:30AM

The president. Sitting atop a white rock—America, pure as snow, a monument. Lincoln. The ballot box—a throne of our nation. Shall the free press poop atop it? Undulating, in the wind.

The Platonic Ideal of Horse Race Journalism

Hamilton Nolan · 04/06/15 12:03PM

As the 2016 presidential election draws closer, America's political press corps is warming up for what they do best: drone on about nothing of consequence.

Mother Jones Undercover Investigation Blown By Producer's Arrest

Gabrielle Bluestone · 03/18/15 10:10PM

A Mother Jones story on the Winn Parish Correctional Center blew up this weekend when a senior producer was arrested for trespass, apparently prompting a second reporter who had been working undercover as a guard to abandon the investigation.

The Christopher Hitchens Prize For Un-Hitch-Like Behavior

Alex Pareene · 03/12/15 09:55AM

Christopher Hitchens, the late essayist and sot, was a man who purposefully cultivated a lot of friends of a certain type—rich, self-important, generally dim-witted and hence easy for a well-spoken Oxbridge debater to impress—and he electrified Washington D.C. society mainly by not being a completely charmless bore. Now those friends are the primary caretakers of his legacy, and, if the newly announced "Hitchens Prize" is any indication, they are going to memorialize him in the least Hitch-like ways possible.

Ads, Editorial, It's All #Content

Hamilton Nolan · 02/16/15 12:11PM

Even in the deep dark depths of the Great Magazine Die-Off a half-decade ago, struggling print magazines did not get so desperate as to breezily stick ads on the cover of their struggling print editions. Hey, times have changed.

David Carr, Your Best Friend

Hamilton Nolan · 02/13/15 10:44AM

There are hundreds and hundreds of people out there who believe that, secretly, they were David Carr's favorite. And maybe we all were. He had the rare emotional capacity to make each of us his favorite, one by one by one.

NBC News Suspends Brian Williams for 6 Months Without Pay

J.K. Trotter · 02/10/15 07:51PM

NBC News has suspended Nightly News anchor Brian Williams for six months without pay, effective immediately. The punishment follows revelations that, over the past decade, Williams misrepresented several details about his experience reporting in Baghdad, Iraq. Most significantly, Williams said a formation of helicopters in which he was flying encountered enemy fire and was eventually forced to land—a story that eyewitnesses have strongly challenged. Under his new contract, Williams would have been paid $10 million per year.

Here's How Sprite Tries to Buy Off Reporters With Free Tickets

Hamilton Nolan · 02/03/15 12:20PM

Here is an email illustrating how brands (Sprite, in this case) pay off reporters and bloggers with free stuff as a direct quid pro quo for coverage. There's also some info about a TOP SECRET Drake and Nas concert we would like to share.