
Here Are the Horniest Companies in Media, According to the Ashley Madison Hack

Sam Biddle · 08/26/15 10:10AM

After the Ashley Madison hack spooked moralizing hypocrites and millions of would-be adulterers, the Associated Press conducted an investigation into the data that turned up “workers at more than two dozen Obama administration agencies” who had been using the cheating site from their government desks. The AP tracked down the offending bureaucrats by tracing the Internet Protocol Addresses—a unique number assigned to every internet-connected device, called an IP address for short—associated with the hacked accounts to government computers.

Jonah Peretti Is Not Your Friend

Hamilton Nolan · 08/17/15 08:59AM

Over the past few months, a wave of unionization has swept across new media. On Friday, the media union movement got its first official enemy. Now writers get to find out who is a friend, and who is just a friendly-looking man with his hand in your pocket.

Hamilton Nolan · 08/12/15 03:17PM

“They told us in J-school, to make it is not common/ And if you do, get used to the taste of Top Ramen/ Go to the first place that likes your resume tape/ It’ll be a small town there the weather ain’t great.” Here is a rap track about being a TV reporter. [Previously; Previously]

Buzzfeed and Bobby Jindal Try to Out-Whore One Another

Hamilton Nolan · 08/05/15 12:30PM

The media is often granted access to important people. What responsibility—if any—do news outlets have to not be dirty, desperate, pitiful whores in exchange for this access?

How Progressive Are The Media Liberals? 

Hamilton Nolan · 07/31/15 12:58PM

There are many media organizations that espouse progressive values—in their editorial product, and in their stated corporate beliefs. Now, employees are asking for unions. How progressive are these good liberal businesses, really?

Writing and What Comes With It

Hamilton Nolan · 07/23/15 10:35AM

Should the published writing of professional writers be subject to any criticism? I believe yes. At least one professional writer disagrees.

Frank Bruni Loves Corporations

Hamilton Nolan · 07/01/15 09:02AM

Frank Bruni, a professional newspaper columnist who—unfortunately, given his chosen profession—has not had a single good idea in the past five years, continues that proud streak today. In spectacular fashion!

Les Moonves Is More Like a Pirate Than a CEO

Hamilton Nolan · 06/24/15 08:27AM

While you could reasonably argue that many—or even most—corporate CEOs are paid too much money, there is no better poster child for CEO overcompensation than Les Moonves, who plunders the CBS corporation like an evil pirate who tips poorly.

Gawker Media Votes To Unionize

Gawker Media Staff · 06/04/15 07:19AM

Yesterday, more than 100 Gawker Media editorial employees voted on the question of whether to be represented by the Writers Guild of America, East for the purpose of collective bargaining—that is, whether we want to form a union. The results are in.