'Catastrophic' Super Gonorrhea Threatens American Genitals
Maureen O'Connor · 04/26/11 11:31AM
According to the CDC, close to a quarter of strains of gonorrhea in America were resistant to penicillin and other commonly used antibiotics in 2009. In 2010, some strains were also resistant to all drugs doctors have to treat the clap. Will a great clap plague kill us all? Here's the New York Daily News' summary of the "catastrophic" possibilities:
Curse Words Help Numb Pain
Max Read · 04/18/11 10:53PMCatherine Zeta-Jones Checks Into Mental Hospital
Maureen O'Connor · 04/13/11 01:11PMIt's Official: Flip-Flops Are Evil
Brian Moylan · 04/06/11 12:40PMThe Shocking Treatment for Girl Who Can't Close Her Mouth
Brian Moylan · 04/05/11 11:22AMA Complete Face Transplant Is Now Possible
Brian Moylan · 03/21/11 03:19PMHow To Avoid the Upcoming Plague of Male Depression
Max Read · 03/01/11 03:31AM
According to a new article in the British Journal of Psychiatry, the rate of depressive disorders among men in Western countries is likely to increase greatly—possibly catching up with that of women, who are are currently twice as likely to be diagnosed with a depressive disorder. Are you a man? Don't worry! We have solutions for you.
Cellphone Radiation Definitely Does Stuff to Your Brain
Maureen O'Connor · 02/22/11 07:25PMWatch Surgeons Make Two Hearts Beat as One
Maureen O'Connor · 02/21/11 05:19PMNew 'Cure' for Cold: Zinc
Max Read · 02/16/11 02:00AM
A review of existing studies undertaken by the nonprofit Cochrane Collaboration seems to show that zinc, of all things, can help reduce the length of, and ward off, the common cold. And! The study comes after another Cochran Collaboration review that found that Vitamin C supplements are more or less useless when it comes to colds. So! Zinc it is. Now, because the amount of zinc taken in the studies varied, the Cochrane researchers don't have any specific dosage recommendations, so don't get too excited. And, uh, also, "some zinc formulations had side effects including nausea, bad taste and diarrhoea." Still. Zinc! Who knew? [Telegraph; image via Shutterstock]
Is Weed Making You Sexually Dysfunctional?
Max Read · 02/14/11 02:40AM
Is smoking marijuana making you bad at sex? "Recent research—including the finding that the penis contains receptors for marijuana's active ingredient—suggests that young men may want to think about long-term effects before rolling a joint," writes LiveScience. Dr. Rany Shamloul of the University of Ottawa, Queen's University in Canada and the University of Cairo (Wow! Good for him!) tells the website, "it's a strong message to our younger generations and younger men." Indeed!