
How To Spend $75,000 Trying To Embarrass A Times Reporter

Ryan Tate · 04/10/08 05:56AM

Mike Ovitz just testified about how he hired private eye Anthony Pellicano, on trial on federal racketeering and wiretap charges, to obtain "embarrassing or otherwise useful information about the New York Times journalists and their sources," according to the Times. The former Hollywood mogul said he paid Pellicano $75,000, which did not get him information about the reporters, but did net him a fetching nickname, "Gaspar," some dirt on his rivals and, if reporter Anita Busch's hotly-contested testimony is any indication, some serious cloak and dagger directed at the reporters:

You Can Only Have Five Friends, Says Harvey Weinstein

Ryan Tate · 04/08/08 02:12AM

It emerged in court papers that movie mogul Harvey Weinstein once said to NBC CEO Jeff Zucker, "You can only have in your life five true friends and I consider you one of my five friends. And I'm telling you, I will not embarrass you." Weinstein, of course, did go on to embarass Zucker by selling his show to another network, according to NBC's suit. But what's with this "five true friends" thing?

Fidel Castro Resigns, No Confirmation From Perez Hilton Yet

Ryan Tate · 02/19/08 03:51AM

Fidel Castro has "resigned" as the ruler of Cuba, but he hasn't been seen in public for 19 months, so don't believe anything you read in the mainstream media until brave Perez Hilton explains to you how this means Castro is even more dead. (In the attached picture, Castro is shown holding a book published about a month after Perez's groundbreaking scoop that he was dead, click through for a larger picture.) UPDATE: At 6:30 AM, Perez confirmed that "Castro Steps Down!!!!!!!" Approximately 10 seconds later, his site receives the first in a long, ongoing series of comments along the lines of this one, number 42: "How can he step down if he's dead???? Perez what's going on?? Please bring us op to date!!"