
Irreverent Interviews with the Cast of Iron Man 2

Matt Toder · 05/07/10 09:45AM

Iron Man 2 opens today and no one is more excited that Metacafe's Matt Zaller who landed some interviews with the cast. His non-traditional style and oddball questions present a completely different take on the celebrity press junket.

YouTube blowing away competition as distribution platform

Jackson West · 07/16/08 06:40PM

TubeMogul, a startup which allows content creators to post video clips to multiple sites at once and track aggregate views for the clip across sites, did a survey of over 200,000 clips and how much traffic they garnered after 90 days. The results? The average clip got more views on YouTube in three months (3,092) than on the next eight video sites combined (2,092). [NewTeeVee]

How to make an easy $1,000 — sell your Twitter background

Nicholas Carlson · 06/25/08 01:40PM

Despite investment from Jeff Bezos, Twitter still has no revenue model. Doesn't mean you can't earn money with your Twitter account, though. To prove it, CEO of interactive agency Deep Focus Ian Schafer auctioned off a sponsorship of his account. Video-sharing site Metacafe won the rights with a $1,082.01 bid. Now where most of Twitters users keep a pretty picture of San Francisco's skyline or their favorite shady spot, Schafer's got a tiled background featuring Metacafe's logo and slogan. How much should you charge for your space? Schafer's got 577 followers, so the going rate should probably be around $1.87 per follower — which means the price is going up.

Metacafe founders take their $5 million and go

Nicholas Carlson · 04/29/08 05:40PM

Metacafe cofounders Arik Czerniak and Ofer Adler — neither involved with the company's day-to-day operations — will walk away from the company with $2.5 million each, according to TheMarker. If $5 million seems like a lot, remember that YouTube cofounders Chad Hurley and Steve Chen each cleared $326.2 million selling out to Google and that Czerniak and Adler might have turned down a $200 million to $700 million offer from Yahoo. All of which makes it even more fun to watch the video embedded below, recorded just weeks after Google purchased YouTube, where Czerniak tries to convince Bambi Francisco that Metacafe is "the largest, most popular video site."

YouTube starts paying losers for their clips

Tim Faulkner · 12/11/07 11:22AM

The policy just confirms what we always suspected was Google's attitude: Users are losers, and we know best. The Google-owned video site claims that channel partners who regularly produce videos with more than a million pageviews can earn "several thousand dollars per month," but those are few and far between. The real winner is Google, which continues to dominate the Internet video market, and now eliminates the small advantage held by rival upstarts Revver, VuMe, and Metacafe which have been touting their own loser-generated-content reward programs for some time.

Revver shares a million in revenue with video producers

Tim Faulkner · 09/13/07 02:33PM

Online video platform Revver announced it has paid out $1 million dollars to video producers from its ad revenue sharing program, just in time for its one year anniversary. That puts Revver's total revenue at around $2-$2.5 million, since it splits fees 50/50 after paying 20% to a distributor. Sounds great. But it doesn't prove that Revver has a sustainable, profitable model—not after the year it's had, losing key staff, being banned from MySpace, losing LonelyGirl15 and several other notable video producers like Ze Frank and Ask A Ninja, and a rumored buyout. Why?

Owen Thomas · 08/21/07 08:39PM

Funding an also-ran startup is expensive. Online-video site Metacafe just raised $30 million, bringing its total to $50 million; YouTube, by contrast, only required $11.5 million in venture capital before selling to Google for $1.65 billion. [VentureBeat]

Metacafe gets a little porny

Chris Mohney · 03/02/07 10:20AM

A reader points out that video sharing site Metacafe — fresh from fruitless acquisition negotiations with Yahoo and bringing in a new CEO — seems to be showcasing more racy videos on the homepage. The "highest rated" clips often contain a scattering of cheesecake softporn or topless amateur video, and many are little more than slideshows advertising for nekkid sites (such as "Beach Girl Video"). All of which happily scroll by despite the ostensible "family filter" in place. Definitely one of the 25 startups to watch.