Today In New York Criminal Court: Meet "Demolition Freedom"
Choire · 09/11/07 08:40AM
While cruising today's docket for criminal court—we're looking for something!—we came across this utter weirdness. Today, Demolition Freedom, born 1968, will be arraigned for one count of like, not having a tax sticker on his (her???) car or something. Sorry, what? Did someone go and name her baby Demolition Freedom just so he could get arraigned on 9/11 and freak me out?
abalk · 09/10/07 04:50PM
"New York can't in any stretch of the imagination be called a literary city. Other than a few staid events at chain bookstores, there are few literary happenings. The two major "alternative" papers, Village Voice and New York Press, on the day I was there, contained no information about poetry open mics." We kind of love that, but then again we're not literary crusaders or whatever. [ AttackingtheDemi-Puppets]
Which Borough Has Better Hipsters?
abalk · 09/10/07 03:50PMLarry Silverstein Wins
abalk · 09/10/07 01:30PMThere Are Hookers On 42nd Street
abalk · 09/06/07 12:40PMabalk · 09/05/07 02:50PM
From the mailbag: "I work in Columbus Circle and just now there were just what appeared to be a bunch of open-deck tour buses full of people synchronized-screaming going around and around the circle. It was extremely loud and scary! They were just going 'AHHHHHHHHHH!' Everyone in the office agrees that this is what the Apocalypse is going to sound like." If you can elucidate any further, please do, but at this point nothing about this fucking city surprises us anymore.
Sorta Taxi Strike Sorta Inconvenient
abalk · 09/05/07 08:30AMUnion Square Sucks
abalk · 09/04/07 12:15PM
Two from the mailbag! "I live by Union Square and have been serenaded by helicopters (sounds like 3 or 4) for the past half hour or so - doesn't seem to be stopping any time soon. What the hell is going on??? I'm used to the sirens and helicopters 24/7 but usually they come and go...they're hovering right over Union Square it looks like." Asked and answered! "A sinkhole seems to be swallowing the backend of a dept of sanitation garbage truck on w17th st btw 5th and 6th. BLTFish customers are shuffling by nonchalantly, still intent on their roasted halibut." Yep, it's official, the city is falling apart.
Pipe Bomb Explodes In Chelsea, Possibly 'Sopranos' Related
abalk · 09/04/07 06:00AMFinally, an explosion we can't blame on Con Ed (yet):
Detective With Thoughtful Wife Still Fired
Emily Gould · 08/24/07 03:00PMStupid City To End Nightmare Of People Ogling People
abalk · 08/22/07 03:01PM
The Nanny State that is modern-day New York City is trying to insert its wagging finger even further up our already crammed anuses: "Council Member Peter Vallone Jr. of Queens is proposing to outlaw voyeurism by extending a state law that forbids non-consensual peeping with cameras to peeping with the naked eye."
abalk · 08/13/07 09:00AM
Very Small Parts Of Outer Brooklyn Made Very Messy!
Choire · 08/08/07 02:10PMNew York City Bridges Falling Apart Or Whatever
abalk · 08/03/07 08:34AMIn the wake of the Minnesota bridge collapse, our very own Governor ordered a review of all the Empire State's spans. Guess what? Everything's falling apart! More than 2,000 are listed as "deficient," and, here in town, 16 of the 19 biggest bridges are only rated as fair or poor. Those assessments come from city inspections last year, so unless things can fix themselves, they're probably slightly worse. Among those receiving a rating of "poor" are the Tappan Zee and the Brooklyn Bridge. How bad is the city's most iconic overpass? Lori Ardito, first deputy transportation secretary, says it's not what you think.
Is There A Plague Of New, Incompetent Cabdrivers?
Emily Gould · 08/01/07 10:40AM
For the second time this week, I got in a cab with a driver who did not understand this concept: "Greenpoint." Or, more shockingly: "the Williamsburg Bridge." Or! Actually! "THE BQE." Did a session of taxi school just end, I asked, trying hard not to actually slap myself in the face for not just getting out when I'd had the chance? "Yes," said the driver, "but I am a fast learner! I go one time to Greenpoint, I will always know how to get there." How very useful to me! And possibly to you, if you end up in this guy's cab wanting to go to that crazy place called Greenpoint, which is now one of the three places in Brooklyn (others: "Clinton Avenue" and "Pennsylvania Street") he knows how to get to. Also, it turns out that you can take a 24 hour, $85 course to prepare for the yellow cab licensing exam, which, clearly, cannot be very difficult. Long story short? Maybe it's time for us all to make like Zach Braff and get a bike.
Mike Bloomberg Is A Fake Commuter
Choire · 08/01/07 10:00AMMichael Grynbaum—Harvard boy, former New York Observer intern, former New York Sun intern!—spent the last five weeks tailing Mayor Bloomberg. And guess what? Everyone's favorite subway-taking, straphanger advocating, public-transportation loving mayor is a total fraud. Yes! Is crazy! Two big-ass S.U.V.s wait outside his house every day, and sometimes then they drive him 22 blocks to an express stop, passing two locals. Also? He only takes the subway twice a week at this point. The N.Y.P.D. pays for the cars and drivers, and no one's quite clear on why he needs two. Unless his giant head is detachable from his little short body?
Emily Gould · 07/30/07 03:25PM
There Is No Reason To Go Up The Empire State Building
abalk · 07/30/07 12:10PM
I am an American, New York-born. John Lindsay's name is on my birth certificate (although not as a claim to paternity). I've spent the majority of my life in this area. And like so many of us here in town, I've never been to the top of the Empire State Building, because, you know, it's for tourists. Also, who gives a fuck? That all changed this weekend, when, against my better judgment, I found myself on Fifth Avenue & 34th Street paying a ridiculous amount of money to look down on the city from the top of a big building in the company of several hundred non-deoderized foreigners. If you haven't been and are wavering, let me urge you not to go. It is a nightmare.
Choire · 07/27/07 02:59PM
From the mailbag: "Guy outside of Grand Central selling 'I survived the steam blast' t-shirts for $15 bucks, standing in front of a piece of posterboard that says 'Were you scared? I was.'"