Gawker Stalker: OId-School Edition
Jessica · 03/21/06 03:30PMSince we've launched our bid to terrorize celebrities until they are literally paralyzed with fear, the Gawker Stalker Maps, we've had more than a few requests to bring back the original format. Seeing as we have to edit down your submissions for the sake of our maps program, and often your ramble-tastic accounts are the best part, we can't find any reason not to keep the old format around along with the new. So your original, beloved Gawker Stalker will remain reasonably intact, and you can also be satiated daily with new version. Now let's all hug it out and get on with our obsessive-compulsive lives, shall we?
To Do: Dancing, Starfucking, Writing
Jessica · 03/21/06 03:15PM• Put on your dancing shoes for Terry Dean and Katie's Danceoff! at P.S. 122. Or, rather, your glasses, cause you're just watching 'em. [flavorpill]
• The latest installment of internerd reading series WYSIWYG tackles starfucking. You're sure to leave feeling 50% dirtier than when you came. [WYSIWYG]
• Days of Our Lives or Iran? (They're mutually exclusive, natch.) It's your call: CUNY offers up a lesson in daytime soap writing; CNN's Amir Taheri lectures on Iranian geopolitics at the 92nd Street Y. [Paper & 92Y]
Pinch Sulzberger's Pressroom Memories Are Not Fit to Print
Jesse · 03/21/06 10:13AM
The Times has a story today about Tishman Speyer's plans for the newspaper's 43rd Street headquarters after the newshounds pack up and move to their new tower around the corner next year. When it reopens in 2009, according to the report, there'll be office tenant in the upper floors, retail establishments in the truck bays from which, until 1997, newspapers left the building early each morning, and what sounds like a big-box retailer in the underground "soaring and now vacant pressroom." Does Arthur Sulzberger Jr. have any memories of the chaotic process of printing and distributing the paper each night from the heart of midtown? "I do," the publisher tells reporter David W. Dunlop. "But nothing you could print in the pages of a family newspaper."
Gawker Stalker: Kelly Ripa Pretends to Eat at Buddakan
Jessica · 03/20/06 03:41PMTo Do: Annie, Crier Mag, or Bring 'Em Home Now
Jessica · 03/20/06 02:00PM• Norweigan dance pop princess Annie chews her gum tonight at the Mercury Lounge. If you're still behind, consider this your chance to get caught up with 2004's buzz. [flavorpill]
• The Crier describes itself as "a small magazine of big ideas," which we think means that the premiere issue contains 35,000-word articles. Editors read abbreviated versions tonight at the Cake Shop, 7PM. [Crier]
• Anti-war activism gets entertaining tonight at Hammerstein with Bring 'Em Home Now, featuring performances from Michael Stipe, Rufus Wainwright, Bright Eyes, and Margaret Cho. If the political star power doesn't attract you, maybe the open vodka bar will. [Upcoming]
Ariel Kaminer Kills the Bulgarian Bar
Jesse · 03/20/06 01:15PM
Perhaps it's the within-the-city, streaming-video version of the Sports Illustrated cover curse: In Friday's Times, and in an accompanying video tour on the Times site, Ariel Kaminer sang the praises of that weird Bulgarian Bar — it's called Mehanata — on the corner of Canal and Broadway. The next day, the blog Slavs of New York received this email:
The Cover Girls of Queens
Jesse · 03/20/06 11:05AMSunday in the City
Jesse · 03/20/06 09:50AMTo Do, Weekend Edition: Silver Jews, Drunken Irish, and Hopefully Not Dead Italians
Jesse · 03/17/06 01:50PMFriday:
• The Silver Jews are playing! The Silver Jews are playing! Oh, both tonight and tomorrow night's shows are sold out? I guess you'll have to wait till next time they tour. Oh, they never, ever tour? Fuck. [Upcoming]
• Eschew drunken Irishman in favor of drunken hipsters ironically channeling drunken Irishmen at Death Disco's Second Anniversary Party at Southpaw, which features Pogues frontman Shane MacGowan on the decks. [flavorpill]
The Pipes, the Pipes Are Kvetching
Jesse · 03/17/06 01:25PMBulgarian Bar Goes Straight for the Arts & Leisure
Jesse · 03/17/06 11:45AM
We weren't going to pay much attention to the "36 Hours: Lower Manhattan" feature in today's Times Escapes section, mostly because we never pay any attention to the Escapes section and especially because there's something a little bit ridiculous and galling about the Gray Lady of 43rd Street attempting to telling us about the cool things to do below Canal Street. But then someone sent us a link to the accompanying video, narrated by Ariel Kaminer, which we found surprisingly delightful to watch. It drags a bit in places, but hang on till the 5:46 mark, when you'll have the rare pleasure of watching a Bulgarian Bar waitress berate a Times arts editor.
Gawker Stalker: Great Moments in Recent Stalking
Jesse · 03/16/06 06:24PM
We do so love our new Gawker Stalker Maps. And we know you do, too. (Especially you, Ken Sunshine!) But we also know that sometimes you also want a quick, easy-to-scan roundup of all the best recent sightings. So we're pleased to introduce a regular Stalker roundup, giving you all the funnest, funniest, juiciest, and, naturally, most life-threatening reports. The sightings, as always, are sent in by you voyeuristic little sickos and verified by absolutely no one.
To Do: Japanese Sex, Colombian Jazz, or Jazz and Sex in Brooklyn
Jesse · 03/16/06 02:15PM• "Peeping, Probing & Porn: Four Centuries of Graphic Sex in Japan" opens today at the Museum of Sex. But you probably knew that already, perv. []
• Downtown jazz circles are marveling at Colombian harpist Edmar Castaneda's musical chops, says Flavorpill. Then again, the downtown set tends to marvel at most things Colombian. [flavorpill]
• An evening of fine music, wine, and dinner at BAM with director John Sayles. For $42, though, we hope the condoms are included. [BAM]
The Hudson River Cannot Contain the 'Times' Blog Bug
Jesse · 03/16/06 10:20AMGawker Stalker: JT and Cameron Prefer to Shop at New York's Most Crowded Market
Jessica · 03/15/06 04:45PM
Sightings are sent in by readers and fact-checked by no one. Some may, yes, be fabricated — it's up to you to smell a rat. A reminder: Mapped pinpoints are posted anywhere from 15 minutes to a couple of hours from when readers first send them in, which provides an ample window for celebrities to move about before facing certain death exacted by their violently obsessive fans. Send your stalkings to
More Free Newspapers!
Jesse · 03/15/06 03:02PMTo Do: Rising Above the Din, J*Davey, or Dave Hill Explosion
Jessica · 03/15/06 02:22PM• Testicle-happy writer Jonathan Ames, Times Magazine editor John Hodgman, and Believer Book Award-winner Sam Lipsyte get together at Makor tonight for Rising Above the Din, a conversation about the state of the novel in our increasingly technology-driven society. We'd go, but we have yesterday's American Idol on TiVo. [Paper]
• Negroclash's DJ Lindsey opens for L.A. electro soul scenesters J*Davey at Canal Room. We'd go, but we have yesterday's American Idol on TiVo. [flavorpill]
• Dave Hill welcomes Moby and Martha Wainwright to his variety show, The Dave Hill Explosion, at UCB Theater tonight. All the vegan jokes and pretty songs you can stand for $5. [UCB]
Free Coffee for Stingy Caffeine Addicts
Jessica · 03/15/06 08:58AM
It's probably the worst morning ever to be latte-fetching assistant: Starbucks is giving out free cups of coffee from 10 AM to noon today as part of its first-ever National Coffee Break. Why, how wonderful for New Yorkers — we could really benefit from some Starbucks brand-awareness, as if we all weren't tweaked enough as is.