Return of the Alamo
Jessica · 11/18/05 10:50AMThe Hybrid Taxi Experience
Jessica · 11/18/05 09:38AMTo Do: Catullus, Konono N1, or Cheap Clothes for Charity
Jessica · 11/17/05 02:30PM• Slate cultural editor Meghan O'Rourke, Times writers Ginia Bellafante and Daniel Mendelsohn, and a number of other equally-credentialed writers convene tonight at the Galleria illy for "An Evening of Catullus," readings from the works of the celebrated Roman poet. We remember enough high-school Latin to translate: "works of the celebrated Roman poet" means "graphic buttsex in a dead language." (6-8 pm tonight, 382 West Broadway between Spring and Broome Streets).
• Acclaimed African musicians Konono N 1 create Bazombo-inspired trance music using "thumb pianos called likemb , microphones made from old car parts, and pots and pans." Bring your own spatula to S.O.B.'s on Varick Street and see whether you can join in on the fun. [flavorpill]
• Housing Works kicks off its Fashion 4 Action Sample Sale today at its Chelsea thrift shop, featuring over 120 designers. A word to the wise: take that spatula along. 80% off retail always means a rumble. [Upcoming]
Breaking: Peter Braunstein in Cobble Hill?
Jessica · 11/17/05 10:59AMPeter Braunstein Has Feelings, Too
Jessica · 11/17/05 09:45AM
As the search for suspected fireman-rapist and former Women's Wear Daily and Village Voice reporter Peter Braunstein becomes intolerably interminable (and alluringly alliterative), his mother Angele Braunstein has come forward to offer her theory that her son may have killed himself. In October 2004, Braunstein overdosed from a mixture of beer and Prozac, and his mother believes this was a potential suicide attempt. Ms. Braunstein also noted that her son had anger problems, low self-esteem, and to be "a fragile man who could respond to the ongoing public scrutiny by killing himself."
Remainders: Peter Braunstein, Man of Many Faces
Jessica · 11/16/05 05:40PM
• The Post runs pictures from accused sex perv Peter Braunstein's "dream wedding," which resulted in a short-lived marriage back in the early 1990's. On a side note, this is about the 15th picture we've seen of Braunstein, and we still have no clue what he looks like. Is the dude some sort of photographic shape-shifter? [NYP]
• Great news: Crack and meth addicts make better financial investments! Time to start treating that bum with a little more respect. [Under the Counter]
• Google technology makes celebrity stalking easy! [Lifehacker]
• Why women like Hilary Swank date men like Chad Lowe: defying Manhattan's romantic caste system. [NYO]
• We've no idea who this Katherine woman is, the mysterious girl who swaps and redistributes prescriptions amongst her friends — but we'd very much like to be her BFF. [NYT]
To-Do: Beethoven, McSweeney's, or the Never-Ending Election
Jessica · 11/16/05 03:50PM• Check out the lost-but-found manuscript of Beethoven's Grosse Fugue, on display at Sotheby's before it's sold in London. Because the only thing that makes you seem more intellectual than caring about a really old piece of paper is caring about a really old piece of paper that's about to bring home a shitload of money across the pond. [Paper]
• More pretension: McSweeney's, the New Yorker for cool kids, teams up with NPR at the Symphony Space tonight, recruiting funny people to read a smattering of short-stories by Miranda Mellis, Pia Z. Ehrhardt and Brian Evenson. If the "I heard on NPR..." construction wasn't getting you laid, you can be sure that the McSweeney's/NPR one-two punch will. [flavorpill]
• The Politicker, Gotham Gazette, and the Drum Major Institute for Public Policy host a roundtable discussion on the role of the media in the 2005 New York City elections, complete with an interpretive dance performance from Brian Ellner.
Gawker Stalker: Renee Zellweger Distracts Herself With Doritos
Jessica · 11/16/05 11:33AMSightings are sent in by readers; send yours to
Peter Braunstein Slips Through Greg Lindsay's Fingers
Jessica · 11/16/05 10:17AMThe Fake David Cross Investigation Continues
Jessica · 11/16/05 09:45AMThis Strikes Us as Slightly Misguided
Jessica · 11/16/05 07:50AMThe Hunt for Peter Braunstein: Have They Checked the Storeroom at Jimmy Choo?
Jessica · 11/15/05 06:10PM
• We apologize for today's lapse in coverage on suspected rapist Peter Braunstein. Rest assured, it has nothing to do with anything other than the fact there's nothing new to report. Kate Moss has been warned to look out for homeboy, and NYPD is tracking him through his Metrocard use. Alas, the whole system operates on a two hour delay. Brilliant. Honestly, Richard Belzer would've had this shit taken care of last week.
• 50 Cent expands his faux-ghetto empire to the extremely hard-ass realm of publishing. G-Unit books will be a collaboration with MTV/Pocket Books and deal with a range of topics, from cash and hoes to candy stores. [Contact Music]
• Authorities seize 136 pounds of heroin from a Staten Island storage facility, thus prompting the gutter pirates of Tompkins Square Park to riot. [Newsday]
• Starbucks holiday campaign invents a new alternative to "it's" and "its:" ITs. [Fawny]
• Been stalking various members of U2 since 1986? Then now's your big break: you can bid on the chance to be an extra in Bono's upcoming film. [eBay]
The Lindsay Lohan Story
Jessica · 11/15/05 04:45PMWhere Do You Fit in Bloomberg's Gorgeous Mosaic?
Jesse · 11/15/05 03:05PM
There's an interesting story on the front page of the Times metro section today about voter research conducted by the Bloomberg campaign. Typically, you see, voter lists like these are constructed from publicly available information — magazine subscriptions, voting registrations, neighborhood, race, ethnicity — and then different messages are targeted at different subsets. But because Bloomie had so much money to throw around, his pollsters could afford to call hundreds of thousands of voters to find out about voters' interests and preferences.
To-Do: Cell Phone Tango, Popeye, or PseudoPorn
Jessica · 11/15/05 02:15PM• Coming to you all the way from Portland, Oregon, dance company BodyVox takes over the Joyce Theater to present Civilization Unplugged, an 80-minute technologically-inspired performance that includes "an interactive dance driven by cell phone calls from the audience." Finally, a chance to show off that My Humps ringtone. [flavorpill]
• Dress like your mom for cheap: striped shirts, boat shoes, and navy-everything will be flying off the racks (we re sure) at the Nautica Sample Sale. [Paper]
• The New School gets comprehensive with a reading by the 2005 National Book Award finalists — including the kiddie authors — and a panel entitled Porn Goes Mainstream, all in one night. We ll let you decide whether to pay $10 to hear Joan Didion talk about her really, really bad weekend or to listen to maybe-kind-of-famous people talk about porn for free. It s pretty damn clear where we ll be. [New School x2]
Remainders: Yesterday's Business Today
Jessica · 11/15/05 07:20AMGawker Stalker: Michael Weston: A Case Study in Mind-Numbing Quasi-Celebrity Minutiae
Jessica · 11/14/05 03:10PMIn this edition: A reader with far too much time on his hands sends in a detailed transcript of his interaction with Six Feet Under alum Michael Weston, the triumphant return of Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams, John Cusack and Arianna Huffington, Billy Bob Thorton, Cynthia Nixon, Paul Bettany, Nic Cage, Kyra Sedgewick, Nicole Richie, Naomi Campbell, Nicky Hilton, Tinsley Mortimer, Brandon Davis, Alek Wek, Tim Robbins, Lauren Graham, Christina Applegate, Robert Downey Jr, Rachel Leigh Cook, Chloe Sevigny, Jason Lewis, Gisele, Lauren Ambrose, Anne Hathaway, Mandy Moore, lingering doubt over Tara Subkoff, Paul Giamatti, Gabriel Byrne, Jim McGreevey, Sofia Coppola, Caroline Winberg, Yao Ming and Patrick Ewing, Steven Van Zandt, Ed Koch, Chris Cornell, Ariel Foxman, Trey from the OC, Leonard Nimoy, Heidi Klum impregnator Flavio Briatore, and Dan Hedaya.
To Do: Cat Power, Da Vinci, or Rogan on the Cheap
Jessica · 11/14/05 02:27PM• We're not quite sure how Cat Power and Blind Boys of Alabama ended up on the same bill for tonight's kickoff of the Music Downtown concert series, but all the free tickets have already been given away. Still, Chan Marshall obsessives take heart: you can queue up on the standby line at the Tribeca Performing Arts Center before the show starts. [flavorpill]
• The good folks at the Mnemosyne Foundation put on a lecture titled Defragging The Da Vinci Code: Will the Real Leonardo Please Raise Your Hand? at Rockefeller University tonight. Informative? Probably. Timely? About two years ago. [Upcoming]
• Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Paul Muldoon and Guggenheim fellow Kevin Young read at the 92nd Street Y tonight. Alas, they'll need more than literary accolades to woo us from the Rogan sample sale on Franklin Street. [Upcoming & Paper]
It's Not Easy Being White
Jesse · 11/14/05 12:30PMThe first step in any civil-rights movement is building awareness. And so we feel it incumbent upon ourselves to help one Colleen Sussman, whose letter to the editor of the Times was consigned to merely the City section, get word out about her plight.