To Do: Halloween on Friday the 13th
Jessica · 10/13/06 03:25PMFriday:
• After polling New Yorkers on their thirteen worst fears, Pyscho Clan founder Timothy Haskell based his third annual fright fest based on the results. Shit yourself in a haunted house in each borough. [Haunted House NYC]
• Williamsburg celebrates Friday the 13th and its paraskavedekatriaphobia (a fear of Friday the 13th) with an art gallery that explores common phobias you love to hate. [WUNYC]
Daily Gawker Stalker: Hedda Nussbaum Still Has Back Pain
Jessica · 10/12/06 05:00PM"This Is a Country That Likes to Move On, and Fast"
Jessica · 10/12/06 03:36PMTo Do: Nick Lachey Will Show You What's Left of Him, Playa
Jessica · 10/12/06 02:10PM• Dark Side of the Cop is a pop group that syncs their music to their inspiration, Beverly Hills Cop. Kind of like Pink Floyd and The Wizard of Oz, but without the munchies. [flavorpil]
• VH1 throws a preparty for Hip Hop Honors Week, their earnest attempt to honor the music they never actually air. Nevertheless, it's the thought that counts, so go and view a gallery of photography and graffiti art while dancing to old school DJs. [Powerhouse Arena]
• Nick Lachey croons about how Jessica broke his heart as he silently undresses Vanilla Minillo with his eyes. All this and more can be yours for only $40. [NYM]
Jessica · 10/11/06 07:15PM
• Thank God for Wolf Blitzer. There's no way we could get through this plane-in-a-building nightmare were it not for his soothing voice and probing questions, such as, "How could this happen just five years after 9/11?" We don't know how! Tell us, Wolf! Lead us out of the darkness and into the light of understanding! Cue sirens and/or car alarms for extra drama. [Seth Mnookin]
• YouTube fosters a special friendship between straight muscleheads and the Gay men who like to watch. [The Advocate]
• La Esquina: exclusive, quite possibly bruising. [Brain on Fire]
• As if they weren't bad enough, the RNC is now as evil as AOL. [NYSun]
• Anthony Bourdain doesn't mind if annoying bloggers take pictures of his food. [92Y]
• Jihad on the midtown Apple store? [LGF]
Daily Gawker Stalker: Now That She's Not Little, Lil' Kim Covers Herself
Jessica · 10/11/06 06:10PMThe Most Exceptionally Timed Press Release Ever
Jessica · 10/11/06 04:20PMTo Do: Megazines, Goodie Bags, or British Boys
Jessica · 10/11/06 03:20PM• Magazine freaks and design nerds alike flock to the Megazines exhibit, a collection of magazine covers throughout the years. [Visionaire World]
• Chanel and Cosmo team up for an event, the purpose of which doesn't matter, as there will be a goodie bag and cocktails. [WUNYC]
• Long past the days when they were content enough to play music in an actual basement, Basement Jaxx plays at Webster Hall tonight. Dance your ass off and talk about how much you loved that video with the monkeys. [flavorpill]
'The Departed' Uses, Defiles Brooklyn Heights Apartment
Jessica · 10/11/06 02:20PM
In case you've ever considered allowing any sort of production to use your residence as a set, here's a story: Adam and Leah, a couple in Brooklyn Heights, allowed Martin Scorcese and company to occupy their ground-level apartment in a brownstone for a scene in the altogether-awesome The Departed. Their place was used as the apartment of the love interest, which gave Adam and Leah the enviable distinction of having had Leonardo DiCaprio dry hump on their property. On the downside: Adam's collection of vintage magazines had been tampered with, and his 1972 issue of Playboy went missing. The couple eventually found the mag...under the bathroom sink. You can hope all you want that it was Leo "borrowing" that Playboy, but you just know it was the pimple-faced lighting assistant who rubbed one out.
Turkey No Longer Protecting Us From Terror
Jessica · 10/11/06 12:20PMWay back in May, we were alerted to the presence of a turkey down by Battery Park, seen inside the gates of the Department of Homeland Security and Coast Guard building. It was comforting to see Mother Nature helping to fight the terrorists, keeping New York safe from evil-doers. But via Curbed comes an unnerving update: While still roaming the tip of the island, it would seem that the Terror Turkey has left the DHS and is just gobbling around Battery Park. With Thanksgiving around the corner, now's hardly the time for our beloved weapon in the war on terror to be lazy and unemployed.
Classic Gawker Stalker: Penelope Cruz Continues to Hang Out with Unavailable Men
Jessica · 10/10/06 03:45PMTo Do: Comic Relief, Girls Club, or Nixon
Jessica · 10/10/06 01:50PM• Join Matt Groening, creator of the The Simpsons and Futurama, and Gary Panter, former set designer for Pee Wee's Playhouse, as they discuss the art of silliness. [Upcoming]
• The Lower East Side Girls Club hosts a celebrates its 10th anniversary with a benefit gala featuring local hero Rosario Dawson as mistress of ceremonies. In traditional, over-the-top fashion, there will be uninhibited flamenco dancers and unlimited desserts. [Girls Club]
• Nixon (played by Gerry Bamman) and Kissinger (Steve Mellor) relive August 7, 1974 for approximately 75 minutes. Another night, another scandal for Nixon's Nixon. [Nixon's Nixon]
• If you're struggling along Park Avenue at 10 a.m. on Wednesday morning, you're probably running into congestion from car-porn aficionados jacking it to the parade of new and classic Audis. [Jalopnik]
To Do: Adaptations, Canadian Pop, or American Pop
Jessica · 10/09/06 03:00PM• The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, the novel turned Broadway play turned movie turned TV series turned off Broadway revival, features Cynthia Nixon as the eclectic Scottish schoolteacher. Have fun finding tickets. [Paper]
• Tired of American indie pop groups? Don't worry. The Islands are Canadian. Go and support America Jr., won't you? [flavorpill]
• In a union of c-list glory, Lisa Marie Presley performs with Ryan Cabrera, who happens to be sleeping with her model/actress daughter. Good to hear that it's a family affair. [NYM]
Daily Gawker Stalker: Bono a Rose-Colored Cliché
Jessica · 10/06/06 05:10PMTo Do, This Weekend: Because the New Yorker Festival Sold Out in 2 Seconds
Jessica · 10/06/06 03:30PMFriday:
• Indie cred-bearers Serena Maneesh and Dirty on Purpose hit Warsaw to try and rectify the musical damage wrought by "SexyBack." [WUNYC]
• Film Forum shows The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, the 1972 satire of the lives of the rich and richer, comes complete with cocaine deals and a very long dinner party. Socialites should take copious notes on their Sidekicks. [flavorpill]
Daily Gawker Stalker: Jake Gyllenhaal in Spandex. Oh Yes.
Jessica · 10/05/06 05:00PMTo Do: Broadway, Millionaires, or the Fever
Jessica · 10/05/06 02:55PM• A Chorus Line debuts on Broadway after a 16-year hiatus; ticket scalpers are able to pay rent for the next three months. [Paper]
• Ever wonder what millionaires do in their spare time? They write cookbooks. As if they ever cooked for themselves. [B&N]
• The Fever perform one last show before they part ways. Every good break-up needs "organ grinding and slightly drunken horns." [flavorpill]
Minuteman Event at Columbia Ruined by Brown People
Jessica · 10/05/06 12:10PMUpdate: Because the children won't stop emailing, we'll note that the Chicano Caucus is claiming they had nothing to do with the events — i.e., the protest — that caused the event to be canceled. The Caucus does, however, take responsibility for being the chief organizers of the protest. Hm. Big difference there, kids.