
Man Says His McDonald's Coffee Came With a Free Dead Mouse

Jay Hathaway · 10/16/14 08:50AM

Ron Morais, of Fredericton, New Brunswick, doesn't like to waste a drop of his coffee. "I always take the lid off to get my last sip," he told the CBC. But he says that on a visit to McDonald's Monday, he found something in his cup that ruined his appetite for last bit of coffee there: A dead mouse.

Luxury Realtors Sprinkle Dead Mice and Snakes on Rival Property

Caity Weaver · 06/28/13 12:45PM

The Main Line. A tony, stony region of suburban Philadelphia where the cricket clubs chirp and the toddlers take Mandarin and the driveways are covered with dead mice and snakes. Just a beautiful, fancy area, full of old money and a few NFL players, and a shit ton of dead mice and snakes. Perfect for raising a family of humans or a family of dead mice and snakes.

Magnolia Bakery Infested with Tourists, Actual Vermin

Molly Fitzpatrick · 02/16/13 11:50AM

The West Village's storied Magnolia Bakery was shuttered by the Health Department Thursday due to a mouse infestation. Spokespeople predicted the Bleecker Street shop would reopen today, but a call to the bakery has confirmed that it remains closed.

Do You Need to See This Photo of a Hideous Bald Mouse Growing Mutant Hair?

Maureen O'Connor · 04/20/12 01:34PM

"You need to see this photo, Drudge Report and Gawker," The Toronto Star tweeted today. The photo in question is of the ugliest mouse imaginable—veiny and bald and resembling an impossibly mutated monster's scrotum—with a tuft of coarse black hair growing from the back of its neck. The hair, the Star writes, is the product of revolutionary "bioengineered hair follicles" created by stem-cell researchers in Japan.

Mountain Dew Is So Extreme It Will Turn Mice Into Jelly

Max Read · 01/03/12 04:25PM

If there's one thing everyone knows about Mountain Dew, the soda specifically designed to gross out your mom when you make her buy it for sleepovers, it's that it's extreme. How extreme? So extreme it will turn a mouse into jelly!

Sperm Grown In a Test Tube

Adrian Chen · 03/24/11 01:03PM

Scientists have been trying to grow sperm in a test tube for over 100 years, and now they've done it. Researchers in Japan "have made fertile mammalian sperm in a culture dish," reports Nature. The scientists took fragments of mouse testes and coaxed sperm to grow from them in a petri dish; then they injected the sperm into eggs, put the fertilized eggs into mice, and real, live babies came out.

Scientists Breed Singing Mouse

Max Read · 12/22/10 01:15AM

A team of Japanese scientists unintentionally bred a mouse that "sings like a bird." So they did what any self-respecting team of Japanese scientists would do, and bred 100 more of them.

Anthropology: More a Hobby Than a 'Science'

Hamilton Nolan · 12/10/10 03:41PM

Anthropology debate! Brain hearing! Jock myth! Unique fingerprints! Estrogen breast-rogen! Smallest battery! And gay mice marriage! It's your Friday Science Watch, where we watch science—if you can call it that!