Forrester bests Jupiter at making money, making mistakes
Paul Boutin · 07/31/08 04:00PM
My esteemed colleague Owen Thomas worries that analyst firm Forrester Research, by buying its longtime rival JupiterResearch, has reduced the number of alternative opinions that will be floated in the media on any given topic. But by bringing Jupiter analysts including blogger favorite Michael Gartenberg aboard, Forrester will actually lessen the number of wrong opinions treated as near-fact by the mainstream media. I could spend a couple of days correlating Forrester vs. Jupiter on a spread of topics over the past decade. But screw it, I'm a journalist — two's a trend. Here are Forrester's two biggest misses I never forgot:
The rise of the "enthusiast evangelist"
Chris Mohney · 02/16/07 05:00PM
Jupiter Research's Michael Gartenberg will be hopping over to Microsoft, a la Jon Udell, to serve as an "enthusiast evangelist." Whatever you think of the credibility issues such positions create, it's not like this is a new phenomenon. All you really have is a publicist with a little bit of industry celebrity, and those have been around forever. But this "enthusiast evangelist" title is odious in the extreme. When did evangelism become a positive term to anyone but evangelicals? If anyone hands me a business card with "evangelist" anywhere thereon, they better get ready to magically heal my whooping cough.