Launching Tweets into the Atmosphere

For the Twitterati, everything's up in the air! MC Hammer sailed above the rain, Laura Rich and Kourosh Karimkhany tweeted about their startup launches, and Michael Gartenberg saw Google's cloudy future:

Twentysomething CNET reporter Caroline McCarthy had flashbacks to the '90s, even though she's too young to remember them.

Recessionista Laura Rich prayed for years of a crappy economy.

Tech analyst Michael Gartenberg didn't even try to have his Google conspiracy theory make sense.

Ex-Condé Nasty Kourosh Karimkhany, also a Gawker Media alumnus, plotted the launch of his Web empire with venture capitalist Fred Wilson.

MC Hammer got on a plane because it was raining, or something.
Anyone else's tweets we should keep an eye on? Send us more Twitter usernames, please.