

cityfile · 01/29/09 11:30AM

Julianne Moore carrying stuff in the West Village ... Hugh Jackman pushing his daughter on a swing at the park ... Uma Thurman leaving her townhouse in the Village ... Albert Hammond Jr. and Agyness Deyn walking on University Place ... Mariska Hargitay holding Chris Meloni's arm on the set of Law & Order ... Diane Kruger walking by herself in Tribeca ... Michael J. Fox sitting inside an SUV in Midtown ... and Jude Law walking with daughter Iris and son Rudy.

Lazy Michael J. Fox discovered disease too late

Owen Thomas · 12/05/08 03:20PM

If only Michael J. Fox, the actor and professional Parkinson's disease victim, had been an Internet genius like Google cofounder Sergey Brin, think of the good he might have done.

Fake Love Is In The Air: Top Five Best Prom Scenes, From Bloodbashes To Rose McGowan 'Eating Shit'

Molly Friedman · 07/10/08 05:25PM

If three makes a trend, then a new one is awkwardly dancing its way into Hollywood. First, Lindsay Lohan threw an 80s prom-themed party for her 22nd birthday, then we recently discovered some intriguing prom scene footage from that highly anticipated horny vampire flick Twilight, and now, Var is announcing that Miramax will produce a film based on “This Strange Thing Called Prom,” a piece published last month in the NY Times. Though we never had the (mis)fortune of going to one ourselves, due to prep schools’ distaste for tear-inducing, virginity-threatening functions, the infamous Prom Scene has always been a joyous go-to whenever a teen-themed movie needs a pretty way to transition into Act Three. Below, the five cinematic proms we wish we’d been invited to, from Buffy’s murderous rampage alongside easy rider Luke Perry to the moment Andrew McCarthy tells Molly Ringwald he loves her even though she’s wearing the ugliest dress in the history of ugly dresses.

We Get It

Richard Lawson · 03/05/08 10:12AM

A New York Times blog drags out and beats to death a joke about which presidential candidate Alex P. Keaton, the lovable Republican youngster played by Michael J. Fox on the 80's sitcom Family Ties, would be supporting today. Sigh. [NYT]

Michael J. Fox

cityfile · 02/03/08 09:40PM

Michael J. Fox is an '80s movie icon and likable former sitcom star. He's also
afflicted with a crippling nerve disorder.

mark · 12/11/07 03:50PM

As Back to the Future fans probably already know, Eric Stoltz completed weeks of filming as Marty McFly due to a scheduling conflict with first choice Michael J. Fox, but was eventually replaced by Fox when Stoltz proved a little intense for a light-hearted comedy. To celebrate Stoltz's unseen contribution to cinematic history, Hurty Elbow has constructed a mini-shrine to the original McFly's lost scenes. Don't miss the cameo by a young Billy Zane! [Hurty Elbow]

Jay McInerney Still Not Over "Bright Lights" Film Disaster

Joshua Stein · 06/25/07 11:55AM

As many people know, broken-footed gadabout Jay McInerney is currently upholding his title as Prince of Downtown Debauchery by blogging about wine for House and Garden. His columns follow a familiar routine. He goes to the Waverly Inn, sees some faces, drops some names, drinks some wine, and says some stupid stuff. This week he tells Meg Ryan ("whom at first I didn't recognize," maybe because her lips have taken her face hostage!) that Tom Hanks (sitting nearby) "would meet her at the top of the Empire State Building." Get it? But in recent weeks, another element has been thrown into the mix: Unnecessary mentions of his stinker of a movie adaptation of Bright Lights Big City.

Pointless News Network

Doree Shafrir · 11/01/06 05:35PM

We're going to go with a big fat who fucking cares, because Alex P. Keaton was a character on a TV show and didn't have actual opinions about anything because he wasn't fucking real?

Michael J. Fox Explains To Rush Limbaugh How Not All Pill-Popping Gives You A Killer Buzz

seth · 10/27/06 04:11PM

Michael J. Fox has spoken out in response to Rush Limbaugh's recent accusations that he was exaggerating the symptoms of his Parkinson's disease in a political endorsement TV spot for a candidate who is in favor of stem cell research. Sitting down with Katie Couric—whom, we'd be remiss in failing to point out, would be the actor's mirror image were he to indulge his innermost businesswoman-drag fantasies—Fox explained that the problem was too much, not too little, medication:

Michael J. Fox Wins This Round, Rush Calls in Cavalry

sUKi · 10/25/06 10:00AM

So what's the latest on the Rush Limbaugh vs Alex P. Keaton beef? Well, after getting thorughly p0wn3d by the TNR's The Plank and his own inept research department, he apologized for accusing Michael J. of faking Parkinson's, though not as "bigly and hugely" as promised. The former ESPN personality added that Fox "is allowing his illness to be exploited and in the process is shilling for a Democrat politician." Sheesh Rush, it's Parkinson's, he's not retarded or anything.

Rush Limbaugh Almost Positive Michael J. Fox Will Drop The Whole Parkinson's Act If Somebody Yells 'Fire!'

seth · 10/24/06 08:23PM

Yes, you're probably right—your afternoon would have ended on a far brighter note were it not subjected to this campaign ad for Missouri Democratic Senate candidate Claire McCaskill, featuring Michael J. Fox suffering from an unsettlingly advanced spate of Parkinson's tremors. An actor's political endorsement for a Midwest race isn't typically the type of thing we'd bother to share—but that was before corpulent pharmaceutical enthusiast Rush Limbaugh decided to chime in with accusations that Fox was faking it:

Rush Has Not Seen 'Boston Legal', or 'Teen Wolf' for That Matter

sUKi · 10/24/06 02:00PM

On Monday, talk radio pundit Rush Limbaugh got his first jab in against rival Michael J. Fox, the first shot in what we hope will become a full-blown war between the two parties. Limbaugh accused Michael J. of exaggerating the effects of Parkinson's Disease in his appearance in Missouri Senate candidate Claire McCaskil's campaign ad. You can watch the ad in question here, but did you notice anything? We certainly didn't see anything weird. Not at all.