The exciting-to-everyone race for Republican National Committee chair appears to be "on." The notably comical incumbent, Michael Steele, has a challenger: Saul Anuzis, former head of the Michigan GOP. And he already has quite the winning campaign slogan!

Oh yeah, he goes there:

That's Saul, Folks!

So the problem with Saul Anuzis is that you have to type the shameful URL "" in order to learn about the guy, and by the time you've typed it out, you don't want to learn anything else, because you've already determined that he's a clown. Just kidding, sort of. Saul Anuzis is fine. He and his team of Redeemers — yeah, let's go with "Redeemers," just to annoy people — would really shake things up at RNC headquarters.

[via Dave Weigel, Top image via AP]