He might, he just might be. Also today: Good news about a promising sitcom, Daniel Radcliffe is going to get the pants scared off him (not literally), Grey's Anatomy welcomes a new hunk, and the Glee guy is very rich.

Oh, this is good news! David Cross is joining the cast of Running Wilde, the new Mitch "Arrested Development" Hurwitz sitcom starring Will Arnett and Keri Russell. Yes, the Keri Russell casting is weird, but what can you do. Everything else about it now sounds wonderful. What is the show about? I don't know! And I'm far too lazy to look it up. But Arnett and Cross were often the funniest things about Development, so this bodes very well. Nothing bad to say here! Except that it will almost certainly be canceled immediately. [THR]

Daniel Radcliffe, the boy who lived... through the terrible attack of teendom spent in the public eye, has been tapped to star in The Woman in Black, a gothic chiller about a young lawyer who travels to a remote part of Britain to attend to a dead person's estate and slowly uncovers ghosty secrets about the deceased and the creepy village he lived in. Sounds likes kind of a nice, old-timey Turn of the Screw-esque picture. Kind of like when Alejandro AmenĂ¡bar did that with The Others nine years ago. That was such a good, creepy movie! No CGI demons or spirits. Just noises and creaks and ominous British people. There's a movie called The Changeling with ominous Canadian people you should see. It's in that vein. (Well the movie was filmed in Canada and produced by Canadians, but it's set in Washington State.) I think there should be more of these kinds of horror movies. Because they are, when made right, pretty darn horrifying. Until, you know, the inevitable disappointing ending. [Variety]

Hm. Here's some interesting scuttlebutt. Mickey Rourke, the clay-faced former brawler who's been given a second-chance acting career playing soon-to-be-former brawlers and men with magic electrowhips attached to their arms, might be going gay. He may star in a biopic of Gareth Thomas, a British rugby bloke who was the first union player to publicly come out. Apparently the two have met to discuss the project and it might happen, even though Rourke is 22 years older than Thomas. Hm. If someone came up to me and was like "Hey, Mickey Rourke wants to play you in a movie. It could work," I think I might be a little.. offended? Plus Mickey Rourke with a British accent sounds kinda funny. Ah well. Let's have Mickey go gay. Worked for Sean, didn't it? [Sun]

Ryan Murphy, the offbeat mind behind Nip/Tuck and Glee (and the director of the decidedly not offbeat Eat Pray Love), has signed a big deal with Fox that could earn him as much as $10m a year for the next four years. Basically he's getting profits from everything Glee-related, including a potential Broadway show. That is a lot of money! I wish I made that much money for cramming pop songs awkwardly into old episodes of Popular. But alas, I do not. Instead I get paid mere soiled nickels to cram other things into old extras from Popular. HA. Gross. [Deadline]

Former Men in Trees and Mercy star James Tupper has signed on for a multi-episode arc on graying doctosoap Grey's Anatomy. He'll play a grief counselor dealing with the traumatized denizens of Seattle Grace Hospital, who endured a shooting spree at the bloody end of last season. (The girl from Everwood! She... Well...) Man, first Men in Trees, then Mercy, now this? This dude is just going to go his whole life lusted after by thirtysomething women who like ice cream and/or chocolate. Tough life, bro. Tough life. Obviously there's one important question to ask about this casting news. Since he's so hot and all... What will Tupper wear? [the loudest gunshot the world has ever heard, the sound of a dolphin crying, the distant shattering of glass] [EW]

Oh good. I know you've been watching Starz's documentary-like series Spartacus, about the real way that people talked and acted back in ancient times (I think it's set in the 1920s), and thinking to yourself: "I want more of this, especially to find out what happened before the show started." Well, you are getting your wish. The lonely little network found some money in the pocket of an old winter coat and is cobbling together Spartacus: God of the Arena, a prequel to the main action of the stirring, beautifully crafted Tits 'n' Blood Spurts: A $300 Production Budget Spartacus. Yay! They're casting a bunch of Australians and blah blah. Hopefully this will be as good as Starz's series Crash, which was... y'know... a show that existed on television. You can say that for it. It certainly was on television. [THR]