
Media Bubble: You Go, Iran!

Jesse · 02/07/06 01:29PM

• Things we never thought we'd say: Iranians have a delightfully level-headed reaction to the Mohammed-cartoons brouhaha; the country's biggest paper will run a contest for best Holocaust cartoon, which is an entirely reasonable response. [Reuters via WP]
• We're not quite sure how we forget this yesterday, but sullen Simon Dumenco is even madder than usual, this time at Bonnie Fuller. Which seems sort of a waste of energy. [Ad Age]
• AOL gossips say Meredith Viera is now the top choice to replace Katie Couric on Today, should Katie take her clickety stilettos to CBS. They also say Today might go to four hours, with Campbell Brown anchoring parts, and that there's a 70 percent chance of a Katie-to-CBS switch. Which seems an really oddly specific. [TMZ]
Out magazine is so desperate for a new EIC five months after allegedly pro-baseball-player-dating Brandon Lemon left that now it's even considering straight candidates. You should know better, Out: Sure the straight guys will have the drink, and be a little flirty, but it's just too much work to get them to finally put out. [WWD]
• 90.7 million watched the Super Bowl, making it the most watched TV show in ten years. [THR]
• The increasingly touchy-feely WSJ is like "your boss at work — smart, well-connected, highly respected, passing judgment from afar — who suddenly asks you to hang out on the weekend," says Hamilton Nolan. [PR Week]
• AMI adopted new ABC circ rules early, and realized it would miss rate base on half its titles. The other publishers ain't taking the risk. [Ad Age]

See the Mohammed Cartoons the AP Doesn't Want You to See!

Jesse · 02/06/06 11:29AM

So you know those caricatures of Mohammed, originally published in a Danish newspaper and recently reprinted through Europe? The ones causing all the protests and mobs? The ones The Associated Press refuses to circulate to member papers? The ones that prompted the State Department spokeman to say, "We find them offensive, and we certainly understand why Muslims would find these images offensive"? (We thought part of that whole spreading-Democracy idea would include, say, pointing out that free speech is a good thing and cartoon-based arson is a bad thing. But, then, we're not Republicans, so clearly we misunderstand.) Well, once again, it's Bucky Turco to the rescue. Where the AP won't go, Bucky boldly will. Wanna see the toons that launched a thousand riots? Head over to Bucky's Flickr.

When in Hamastan...

Jesse · 01/27/06 03:40PM

Really, it's not even so much the suicide bombings and the river-to-the-sea and the death-to-the-infidels and all that. When you get down it, it's simply: These people wear three different clashing plaids?

Taking James Baker Far Too Literally

Jesse · 08/15/05 05:27PM

And how will New York's lovable Craigslist pervs mark Israel's withdrawal from the Gaza Strip? The only way they know how.

Apparently He's the Menachim Begin of the Penis

Jesse · 08/02/05 09:13AM

Leave it to the Post to find an angle on Saudi King Fahd's death that, in one swoop, hits at least three of that paper's favorite points: Zionism, sex, and ethnic slurs. To wit: