Apparently He's the Menachim Begin of the Penis

Leave it to the Post to find an angle on Saudi King Fahd's death that, in one swoop, hits at least three of that paper's favorite points: Zionism, sex, and ethnic slurs. To wit:
A prominent Israeli urologist regularly slipped into Saudi Arabia dressed in Arab garb to secretly treat King Fahd, who died yesterday, and other royal princes for their impotency problems.
Dr. Moshe Many told The Post he made frequent top-secret medical missions to Saudi Arabia — and to the posh playgrounds of the randy royals — to help them overcome a problem they had bedding European women.
He said the princes had an inferiority complex that rendered them impotent when they tried to have sex with European women.
He helped them out by prescribing a prosthesis, he said.
One wonders, however, whether Dr. Many's services were really necessary. After all, with oil prices now at record highs, clearly the Saudis have no problems screwing Americans.