Mort Zuckerman Might Not Run For Senate
Pareene · 03/02/10 06:22PMMort Zuckerman seems to be wavering in his commitment to running for the Senate. According to sources close to him, he a) doesn't want people to start writing about his kids, b) his longtime business partner died and a political campaign could harm his publicly traded company, and c) he doesn't want to give up his associations with various pro-Israel non-profits.
Every Mediocre Person in America Running For Office in New York
Pareene · 03/01/10 01:38PMEven Mr. Campbell Brown Wants to Be a Senator
Pareene · 02/24/10 06:21PMAll Mike Bloomberg Wants is a Friend in the Senate
Pareene · 02/17/10 02:34PMBayh Press Conference Reveals Nothing
Pareene · 02/15/10 02:43PM
Hero Senate quitter Evan Bayh explained absolutely nothing about the reasons for his retirement at his press conference a little earlier. Except that he wishes everyone in the Senate was Dick Lugar. What he didn't mention: he didn't tell Obama or Reid about his plans, and the filing deadline for a candidate looking to replace him is tomorrow. If you won't vote for his Bipartisan Deficit Commission, Evan Bayh will take all of you motherfuckers out.
Mort Zuckerman Also Wants to Be a Senator
Pareene · 02/12/10 05:35PMRoger Stone and Friends Want Larry Kudlow in the Senate
Pareene · 02/10/10 01:55PMHarold Ford Compares Self to Bobby Kennedy, is Beset by Ghosts
Pareene · 02/08/10 01:22PMHarold Ford Dines with Governor, Has No Idea Where He Lives
Pareene · 02/04/10 12:37PMNancy Pelosi Will Save the Democrats with Money
Pareene · 02/03/10 09:50AMHP Donates Thousands to Former CEO's Opponent
Pareene · 02/01/10 10:31AMHarold Ford's Favorite New York Restaurants List Includes 'Starbucks'
Pareene · 01/29/10 01:22PMRebellious Florida Tea Party Candidate Surges in Polls, Is Against Making Banks Pay Us Our Money Back
Pareene · 01/26/10 06:25PM
Marco Rubio is going the be the Republican candidate for Senate in Florida this year. He is handily beating formerly popular Republican Governor Charlie Crist, because Crist is too moderate and too probably gay. This Rubio guy, though—he is basically the next Scott Brown! Except that once he destroys Crist in the primaries by running way to Charlie's right, it will be a lot harder for him to shift back to Florida's soft, mushy center. Especially when he is already coming out against taxing or regulating banks at all in any fashion. (We are so baffled by these Tea Party people! Aren't they anti-bailout? Anti-bailout and anti-preventing-future-bailouts?) Oh, right: he is beating Crist in the polls. They're both ahead of the Democrat, but the Democrat has not yet begun actually campaigning against this man who loves banks so much he wants to marry them.